

送交者: ASH 于 2011-02-14, 13:48:47:

回答: TWO (2) people make more than 400K, both 由 Hoffman 于 2011-02-14, 13:26:49:

根据这个Radiologist salaries调查,母医生(如果他考过了board的话)刚出炉就挣45万刀纯属放屁,4万5还差不多。拉2说得对。

According to the American Association for Women Radiologists, a radiologist is a board-certified physician who diagnoses and sometimes treats diseases through medical imaging. Most radiologists work in hospitals or medical clinics and average an annual salary of $40,503 to $311,231, depending on experience.

Entry Level
1. According to Payscale.com, the U.S. national average salary in 2009 for a radiologist with one to four years of experience ranged from $40,503 to $48,553.

2. The U.S. national average salary in 2009 for a radiologist with five to nine years of experience ranged from $50,868 to $249,830, according to Payscale.com.

3. According to Payscale.com, the U.S. national average salary in 2009 for a radiologist with 10 to 19 years of experience ranged from $137,500 to $311,231.

4. In some larger cities, such as New York and Atlanta, radiologists are paid higher salaries. According to Payscale.com, the average salary in 2009 for a radiologist in New York ranged from $65,000 to $334,328; the average in Atlanta ranged from $30,521 to $294,791.




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