母其文的job offer是中国人写的?


送交者: james_hussein_bond 于 2011-02-14, 08:53:11:

看了新到母其文洋洋得意公布出来的job offer,觉得很奇怪。这位Mark S. George教授难道是在中国学的英文?这份信的英文有几个问题:

1. As you know 是比较随便的用语,不应该用在正式job offer中,语气和开头的Dear Dr. 格格不入。如果我教学生的话,会举这样的例子:
Hi Bob,
As you know, we are still trying to come up with the final selection for the basketball team.

2. relatively unique 这个语法没错,但用在job offer里,怎么看都是在调侃人。如果我给别人写推荐信,只有在没有具体好话可说的时候才用这个词。如果看到别人的推荐信里有这个词,也会理解是什么意思。

3. 同一段落里时态不一致。这是英语初学者最容易犯的毛病。这封信里第二段里,先连用了三个would,然后用了一个will,最后又用了一个would,显得非常业余。


下面给两个正式tenure track job offer如何开头的例子。

1. Dear ___________:

Upon the recommendation of the Department of _________ , I am pleased to offer you a position as _________ (title/rank) in the Department of _________ in the College of _________ at the University of Houston. The salary will be $________ for the nine-month academic year, effective September 1, 20___ to May 31, 20___.

2. Dear __________:

    On the basis of our recent conversations, I am pleased to offer you the position of Associate Professor of (specify department) in the Standing Faculty - tenure track of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Your appointment is subject to approval by the appropriate School of Medicine committees, the Dean of the School of Medicine and the Provost’s Staff Conference of the University.



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