如你所知,在美国还仅仅是个疗效和安全性的临床试验,而不像在中国是临床应用。中国卫生部只是叫停了肖壶的临床应用,丝毫没干涉其科研行政的临床试验,比美国宽松多了。我同意,在保护患者利益的标准上,NIH is not be that as low as Ministry of Health of People's Republic of China。
"OHRP has initiated an evaluation of the matter referenced in your letter.
We notified the funding agency of your allegations and they have stopped enrollment into the study. We will advise you when the evaluation has been completed.
OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time should you have any questions or wish to provide additional information.
Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Division of Compliance Oversight
Office for Human Research Protections
1101 Wooton Parkway, Suite 200
The Tower Building
Rockville, MD 20852"