No, I do not believe that he was an apl. Prof.


送交者: del 于 2011-04-14, 06:51:52:

回答: del,我在网上搜了一下关愚谦出的书。他在1993年之前(包93年) 由 心下 于 2011-04-14, 03:16:00:

Being an apl Prof. still needs to go through
a committee, to show your research
and at end needs to be approved by the education minister of
the state.
I do not believe that he was an apl. Prof.

BTW, PD 有资格带硕士 and also 有资格带博士.
You may not meet such a case, this may be just because
PD has no position (or 1/2 position) to offer to a Ph.D candiadte.
If a PD has a position (or 1/2 position), for example from DFG,
then he can have a Ph.D candiadte.



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