too good to be true. google EB5 green card. no guarantee


送交者: whatistruth 于 2011-05-04, 22:23:24:

回答: 上海房子3,4月又猛涨了一把.现在这里在推纽约投资移民项目 由 bluesea 于 2011-05-04, 20:04:22:

The EB-5 Visa investment must be at risk

The EB-5 Visa applicant’s capital investment must be truly at risk and not simply a loan.

There can be no guarantees on an EB-5 Visa Investment, the investment must be 'at-risk' as per federal guidelines. There can be no mention of redemption rights or guarantees.

Guarantees of return of any capital are strictly prohibited, and if given negate the ‘at risk’ requirement of the EB-5 law and the investors petition will be denied. The entire capital must be at risk and therefore reserve accounts are also not allowed.


他们找投资人每人贷款50万,5年不用还利息 (本金没人保证能还 :- )),还能收5万的手续费。
土人的钱不骗白不骗。 :-)



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