My favorite song: What is Youth.


送交者: steven 于 2011-01-13, 01:03:18:

二十世纪经典的爱情电影之中,1968年 Franco Zeffirelli 的 Romeo and Joliet 无疑是经典之中的经典,其中男女主角凄美的爱情故事,自中世纪以来曾经打动了无数人的心弦。这个电影的另一个经典之处就是它的配乐,这电影的配乐是 Nino Rota 所作。即使你不太熟悉这个名字,但你一定听过他的作品。The GodFather 也是有他配乐的,并且得了 Oscar 最佳配乐奖。

有趣的是 Romeo and Joliet 得主题曲有很多不同得版本,其中有 Henry Mancini 的交响乐版,电影中由 Eugene Walter 填词的 What is Youth版,由 Larry Kusik 和 Eddie Snyder 填词的 A Time for Us,还有一首意大利文的歌剧版 Ai Giochi Addio,以及意大利文版的 A Time for Us-Un Giorno Per Noi。每首歌的编排都不大一样,但各有韵味。

在电影中演唱的 What is Youth 的编排接近室乐,以 strings 和 woodwind再加lute, enjoy

What is Youth 说道:
What is a youth?
Impetuous fire.
What is a maid?
Ice and desire.
The world wags on.
A rose will bloom
It then will fade
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.
Comes a time when one sweet smile
Has its season for a while...
Then love's in love with me.
Some they think only to marry,
Others will tease and tarry,
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid he rules us all.
Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
Death will come soon to hush us along.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey...and bitter as gall
Cupid he rules us all........



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