Anthony Watts说这个技术已经有40年的历史了,缺的只是实现的意志


送交者: Amsel 于 2011-01-30, 20:14:56:

回答: “钍基熔盐堆”?头一次听说。 由 Amsel 于 2011-01-30, 20:08:09:

Pull your head out of your butt for a moment and realize that this liquid salt thorium technology is 40 years old. They can get it out of textbooks. They don’t need “advanced” technology, only the will to use what’s sitting on the shelf.

The USA doesn’t have the will. While we are screwing around with windmills and sustainability, the Chinese are taking what should have been used years ago and applying it while laughing at the green folly of the west. – Anthony



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