anthing can happen ~= nothing happens.


送交者: suprathinker 于 2011-02-03, 19:11:49:

回答: Multiverse and String theory, Airtalk, now. Any expert here? I have a question: 由 silxirt 于 2011-02-03, 13:00:53:

My question, our exact parallel universe cannot happen to be very close to us (so we cannot travel to at all), or given the infinity, one could be very close, or, through "worm hole", distance does not matter at all.

Given the infinity of possibilities, the probability of finding another universe close to us today and the probability of never finding such a universe are more or less the same.

However, even if a universe exactly the same as ours is close to us, it will quickly (typically far less than one billion-billion-billion-th of a second) evolve into a vastly different one as a consequence of ever-going 'quantum measurement'. A whatever-verse where anything can happen is the same as a world where nothing happens.

BTW, multiverse is a good idea for entertainment but scientifically it is BS.



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