You have 12 balls. 11 balls are identified.
送交者: 笑笑 于 2005-4-15, 01:07:41:
1 ball weight either more or less than others, but you don't know. you have a double bean balance scale (not tirble). Only use 3 times. You must identify the ball that is different. Tell me if it werights more or less
- 这是标准答案吗? - rabbits (3175 bytes) 2005-4-15, 13:52:40
- 不好意思,是狗狗出来的 - rabbits (60 bytes) 2005-4-15, 13:54:38
- 想到应该编号 - 更年期 (155 bytes) 2005-4-15, 14:09:21
- 3步 - 更年期 (353 bytes) 2005-4-15, 12:11:17
- 我记得原题是次品球轻些。如果不知道那个球是轻是重,好像没办法三次搞定 - rabbits (0 bytes) 2005-4-15, 11:45:17
- 看题不仔细 - 更年期 (34 bytes) 2005-4-15, 11:52:33
- 答一答 - NewL (452 bytes) 2005-4-15, 05:09:04
- 偶果然理解错了 - NewL (66 bytes) 2005-4-15, 07:05:19
- 老题目了 - 蓝隼 (172 bytes) 2005-4-15, 01:26:06
- 这是微软招工的电话Screening的题目 - 2Cul4U4 (33 bytes) 2005-4-15, 01:30:37
- I know there are people here working MS, - xj (310 bytes) 2005-4-15, 11:39:13
- 本坛编程第一强手--yqsgs - 更年期3 (129 bytes) 2005-4-15, 01:49:42
- 握手握手 - 更年期 (32 bytes) 2005-4-15, 06:06:48
- welcome back, haven't seen you for a while, how is your son? - steven (0 bytes) 2005-4-15, 04:41:31
- 文不对题 - 更年期 (192 bytes) 2005-4-15, 06:58:05
- 咳咳 - 更年期 (89 bytes) 2005-4-15, 05:49:08
- 还没,要到七月底才行。 - steven (0 bytes) 2005-4-15, 06:35:22
- 以? - 更年期 (26 bytes) 2005-4-15, 06:49:33
- 你又回来啦,笔名大升级了嘛 - 2Cul4U4 (145 bytes) 2005-4-15, 02:00:49
- 我比较担心 - 更年期 (39 bytes) 2005-4-15, 06:08:39
- 我很激动 - 更年期 (32 bytes) 2005-4-15, 05:50:06