not quackery, but maybe like h2 fusion


送交者: kma 于 2011-09-01, 11:21:16:

回答: 网上一打combutible ice出来的都是中国的新闻。所以可燃冰是否是一个伪科学 由 ABF 于 2011-09-01, 11:06:54:

only a dream too far from reality.

siberia and canada must also have lots of combustible ice, restrained methane (degraded animal and plants) beneath frozen permafrost. guess it's hard to collect it in an economical way. scientists are worried that global warming hastens the release of such methane, a much more powerful greenhouse gas than co2.

don't think it's likely to use it as energy source, otherwise wiki should have an entry for it



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