1. Xiao's report on his first 3 SCI patients was entitled "complete bladder function restoration", and one patient was described as "regained total control of the bladder"
2. He reported that 10 of his first 15 SCI patients "regained satisfactory bladder control ... almost normal storage and synergic voiding", and "patients who regained bladder control also regained bowel control".
3. In his report on 13 SB patients, he concluded that "#人工反射弧能安全有效地治愈先天性脊髓脊膜膨出所致大小便失禁".
4. Among his first 20 SB patients, "17 gained satisfactory bladder control and continence within 8 to 12 months.... Five of the 6 patients with hyperreflexic bladder demonstrated improvement, with resolution of incontinence....nearly normal storage and synergic voiding", and "the 17 children who gained bladder storage and emptying function also gained bladder sensory function.... All children were able to void voluntarily" [].
5. He further reported that 81 of 92 SCI patients "regained bladder control one year postoperatively", and "the rate of success at the one year follow-up is 87%" for 110 children with spina bifida who "safely" received the procedure for "bladder and bowel control".
6. In an official document testifying the "85% success rate", Xiao claimed that among 117 patients with spina bifida, "sixty cases were followed up for more than eight months. 85% of the patients have regained normal bladder and bowel functions".
7. At SIU 2009, Xiao presented "1406 cases since 2006 in Henan Center, of the 506 follow-up at 12 month post-surgery, 435 gained bladder control (86.2%), 430 gained bowel control (84.9). Gained bladder and bowel sensory function".