

送交者: 淼水 于 2012-02-28, 14:56:08:

回答: 在美国,就是注册了商标而不加利用,并不是说就绝对地拥有这商标 由 淼水 于 2012-02-28, 14:46:18:

When Apple decided that it wanted to name its handset the “iPhone,” it didn’t bother to consider that Cisco owned the trademark. Adam Lashinsky explains how Steve Jobs walked all over Charles Giancarlo, a Cisco executive at the time, in his book Inside Apple:

Giancarlo fielded a call directly from Steve Jobs. “Steve called in and said that he wanted it,” Giancarlo recalled. “He didn’t offer us anything for it. It was just like a promise he’d be our best friend. And we said, ‘No, we’re planning on using it.’ ” Shortly after that, Apple’s legal department called to say they thought Cisco had “abandoned the brand,” meaning that in Apple’s legal opinion Cisco hadn’t adequately defended its intellectual property rights by promoting the name. To Apple’s way of thinking this meant the name iPhone was available for Apple’s use. Giancarlo, who subsequently joined the prominent Silicon Valley private-equity firm Silver Lake Partners, said Cisco threatened litigation before the launch. Then, the day after Apple announced its iPhone, Cisco filed suit.

The negotiation displayed some classic Steve Jobs negotiating tactics. Giancarlo said Jobs called him at home at dinnertime on Valentine’s Day, as the two sides were haggling. Jobs talked for a while, Giancarlo related. “And then he said to me, ‘Can you get email at home?’ “ Giancarlo was taken aback. This was 2007, after all, when broadband Internet was ubiquitous in homes in the US, let alone that of a Silicon Valley executive who had worked for years on advanced Internet technology. “And he’s asking me if I’m able to get email at home. You know he’s just trying to press my buttons—in the nicest possible way.” Cisco gave up the fight shortly after that. The two sides reached a vague agreement to cooperate on areas of mutual interest.

Cisco had referred to its core equipment operating system as “IOS” (Internet Operating System) before Apple and Steve Jobs decided that the iPhone’s software would be given the nearly-identical “iOS” label in 2010. The second time around, Apple actually acquired the trademark before going public. Jobs got his way throughout the whole process negotiation process. Classic Apple. Classic Steve.



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