Please, don't put words into my mouth. Just ask, to make sure becasue


送交者: silxirt 于 2011-06-06, 18:02:54:

回答: 嗯,只有跟你一样的才是独立思考,赞一个。 由 booksbooks 于 2011-06-06, 17:07:25:

A lot of independent thoughts are not really independent (no interest to argue there is actually zero Independent thought in the world).

For a washed brain (no interest to argue my own brain is also washed or not), independent thought is... you know.

I used to truly believe 2/3 of the population in the world were suffering from agonizing life (indicating mainland Chinese were the only exception), until the window to the world is open and realized that the population I was with contributes to majority of that suffering population at that time.



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