黄河大合唱 is not a 交响曲, it is a cantata. I don't know


送交者: steven 于 2011-06-14, 20:04:47:

回答: 通常说的《黄河大合唱》就是说的洗新海的《黄河大合唱》的交响曲 由 Xinyu 于 2011-06-14, 19:40:21:

the Chinese for it, but according to wiki it is 康塔塔. 交响曲or symphony is a musical form with 4 movements, begins with sonata or allegro, follows by adagio, then minute or scherzo, and ends with rondo, allegro or sonata. These are well defined terms in classical music. If you don't know what they are it is almost impossible to talk about classical music.

Btw, fyi, The most common version of the Yellow-river Cantata has 8 movements. The piano concerto has 4 movements.

As for Takemitsu, he was invited to China during the culture revolution, and he made the comment after listening to the piano concerto. There is no way to tell if he knew the original cantata or not. However, I think he taught in 中央音乐学院 for a while. I don't think he dislike Chinese, and his comment indicated he believed Chinese could write better music. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Btw, 谭盾 was a student of Takemitsu.



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