Your opinion wasn't fact based, and lack of substance.
送交者: steven 于 2011-06-14, 20:54:37:
回答: 既然你不知道中文,那就不勉强你了,也不细分cantata和symphony了 由 Xinyu 于 2011-06-14, 20:24:02:
Obviously, you don't know music, and you can't even get the name right, it is 黄河: 钢琴协奏曲, not 钢琴协奏曲《黄河大合唱》, there is not such a thing called 钢琴协奏曲《黄河大合唱》. 黄河: 钢琴协奏曲 was based on 洗星海谱的那《黄河大合唱》. I have never evade the answer. Your accusation of Toru Takemitsu was based on your own bias, and not supported by any fact. Obviously, you don't seem to be interested, nor capable in music critique, I don't see any reason to continue.