re-defining marriage?


送交者: Hoffman 于 2011-06-26, 22:17:29:

回答: 一夫一妻和性取向有什么关系? 由 steven 于 2011-06-26, 18:08:07:

A marriage was (!) defined as a legal union of a man and a woman, in which they live as a husband and a wife.

Now it is re-defined as a legal union of two persons, either the same or the opposite sex, to live as a husband and a wife.

This way the rights of the LGs are granted. Now how about the rights of bisexuals, those who would, for the same reasons as LBs, love a man and a woman?

Clearly, the ultmate solution would be that 2 men/women and a woman/man get married.

Then, how about those men who love 2 women, or women who loves two men?

哈哈, BUT No kidding!



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