属于完全失败,恐怕不是lost to follow-up,而是有可能被“劝退”。
1年论文:9名患者术前MCC:252 200 165 200 48 350 226 189 269
另外,这3名做过宫内手术的并非re-routing was not successful,而是反射弧都曾经建立了,在1年论文中算作“成功”。那个37岁患者也是这样。
2 subjects not returning considered non-responders
3-year Bladder MCC and NDO (n=7)
[] Baseline MCC: Mean=210 cc; Median=200 cc
At 3 years, 2 patients did not return for follow-up and were considered non-responders. Seven patients returned for 36-month evaluation. On UDT, maximum cystometric capacity improved from mean 210 cc to 293 cc.
The multicenter study will exclude children who had undergone intrauterine closure of their myelomeningocele because the two children in the pilot study in whom the re-routing was not successful were among three children with this history.