

送交者: 三脚猫 于 2011-05-15, 18:56:00:

不知这里的医生能给讲点不。被拿来做比喻的radioactive tonics是个什么东西?


研究阶段还在继续,但是很多病人迫不及待地去试验。有研究者指出Zamboni疗法就是junk science.



Where's the Beef【注意这个笔名的意思】
8:50 PM on May 12, 2011

The Real 10 Reasons to get the Procedure

1. Medical Science isn't helping me enough (at all) so I'm now willing to try anything no matter what the consequences.

2. I have bags of money to burn on a procedure that does not stand up to scientific rigor.

3. The public purse may soon cover the cost of a procedure that does not stand up to scientific rigor because politicians are not scientists and respond to vocal special interest groups.

4. You don't need science when you know someone who heard of someone who thinks the procedure made them feel a little better.

5. So what if it doesn't work, it can't hurt to try.

6. Science shmience. 【太蔟一个了不起的地方在于他反复强调这一点。】

7. The Globe won't let this issue go because someone at The Globe is either an antisience, pro alternate healthcare freak or has a family member with MS or likely both.

8. Oprah, Jenny and Dr. Oz all think there is something to this.

9. Science ruined the family snake oil business, they can't have this too.

10. Anyone here that has been killed by this procedure speak up now....no one....see harmless.

11. Did I say science shmience already?....



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