Robert Gallager, 2006:


送交者: 短江学者 于 2011-07-27, 15:20:42:

回答: 答 asker : 由 短江学者 于 2011-07-27, 15:11:30:

Productivity advances eliminate the need for many boring,
repetitive, demeaning jobs.

Yet in this apparent Utopia, we have huge problems:

Those who have jobs work longer hours and under high
stress, but many people cannot find jobs. The inequities between haves and have-nots is rapidly growing.

Education is turning into narrow job training, which is too delayed to meet market needs anyway.

The web’s focus on facts, and its inability to treat concepts,has encouraged education to focus on isolated facts rather than concepts.

It is now possible for production to meet basic human
needs worldwide, but we cannot organize ourselves to accomplish this.

The need for better education is universally agreed upon,
but we cannot organize ourselves to provide essential student/teacher ratios.

Technology creates video games that appeal to our basest
instincts, but lags in supporting education.



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