送交者: boxer 于 2005-4-26, 14:28:20:
回答: 咱也有进口牛肉啊,火锅菜单上总是有进口美国肥牛肉 由 bluesea 于 2005-4-26, 14:10:51:
In US, cattles are slaughtered by machines. Just like the film "Chicken Run". Cattles walk into factory and beef go out. It is very difficult for small ranchers and farmers to survive in US. Think about your salary and the cost of beef.
The problem for camels are that they are relatively widely spread. Mass production is difficult. Even if you could do it, you have to consider how the market will respond to it. The logistics for processing the camels is not a small issue.
By the way, 美国牛肉 is not as good as that from South America.