送交者: PhonyDoctorPhD 于 September 20, 2004 10:36:20:
回答: 干嘛非要当贵族ne? 由 fagus 于 September 20, 2004 09:30:19:
when beefs and porks are rare, 贵族 can have beefs
and porks almost everyday, while lower caste must
resort to dog, snake, or sometimes mouse meat.
Nowadays, while lower caste can affort to
have beefs and porks quite often, 贵族 starts to
raise the bar once again, and now prefer rare
dog, snake, and sometime mouse shipped from
far far away...
贵族 is good, no matter how you feel. It is good
to be part of 贵族, and the best is that
someone can be part of 贵族, but criticize the
other 贵族 in the name of lower caste.
Lower caste has no such right.