【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 【评】 美国有线新闻网在21日的新闻中,说的明明是,两个独立翻译人员认为美国政府 对拉登录象的翻译漏掉了许多更足以证明拉登罪状的地方,例如拉登在讲话中并 不止提到原翻译已有的“阿塔”的名字,还提到原翻译遗漏的另八个劫机者的名 字,共九名。然而以“中国美联社”自居的多伪新闻网发布的新闻,竟把这则报 道歪曲成“拉登并没有提‘阿塔’这个名字,而是说他已经知道有九名成员将对 世贸大楼发动袭击”,变成了美国政府诬陷拉登,并加了一段反美暗示,如此不 择手段地以CNN的名义捏造、散布谣言,令人发指。我已向CNN报告。 (方舟子) 多维快讯:美国承认拉登录像有几处翻译不准 【多维新闻社21日电】多维社记者报导/据美国有线新闻网最新报导,美国有关部 门承认对拉登录像有翻译不准之处。其中包括在谈论袭击世贸大楼时,拉登并没 有提“阿塔”这个名字,而是说他已经知道有九名成员将对世贸大楼发动袭击。 据悉,阿塔家属在看完录像后表示,这是美国政府伪造的录像带,因为他们相信 阿塔绝对没同拉登有联系,拉登也不会说出阿塔的名字。CNN报导说,导致这些翻 译错误的原因可能是翻译人员没有弄懂沙特人说的阿拉伯语。 附:CNN发布的消息 Bin Laden named nine hijackers on tape, not one December 21, 2001 Posted: 1:02 AM EST (0602 GMT) Bin Laden on the videotape released by the Defense Department last week. By David Ensor CNN Washington Bureau WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The original translation of the Osama bin Laden videotape misses the fact that bin Laden identifies nine of the hijackers, a Saudi dissident says and an independent translator hired by CNN confirmed Thursday. "The translators missed a lot of things on the tape," said Ali Al-Ahmed, director of the Saudi Institute, an organization that promotes human rights in Saudi Arabia. Al-Ahmed said bin Laden identifies nine of the suspected hijackers -- not just Mohamed Atta as had the original translation. Al-Ahmed and the independent translator -- who did not want to be identified -- said bin Laden named two additional hijackers on the tape: the brothers Nawaf al Hazmi and Salam al Hazmi. Later, he said four other hijackers were from the Al Ghamdi tribe. He also mentioned two others, both named al Shehri. Also left out of the translation, they said, were the names of three Saudi clerics who publicly backed the attacks, according to the man speaking with bin Laden on the tape. At least one of those three Saudi clerics was possibly a government official. One more striking example of detail left out of the government translation, according to Al-Ahmed and the independent translator: Bin Laden's description of exactly what he said to others just before the radio announcement that the first of the attacks had succeeded. They quoted him as saying he told followers, "When you hear a breaking news announcement on the radio, kneel immediately, and that means they have hit the World Trade Center." ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】