◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇ 新浪体育新闻中的一篇翻译抄袭文章 徐捷 新浪体育在12月20号的新闻中《看〈射雕英雄传〉的英雄 姚明在休斯顿故事一箩 筐》,参见 http://sports.sina.com.cn/k/2002-12-20/1034367876.shtml 文章内容明显为译自ESPN的一篇专栏文章,参见 http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/print?id=1478934&type=columnist 新浪文作者署名“周捷”,出处为http://sports.sina.com.cn 2002年12月20日 10:34 东方网-东方体育日报。全文没有提到ESPN原文出处及作者。 平心而论,文章翻译的很地道,如果不是恰巧昨天在ESPN网站看了原文,真要以为 是“周捷”先生/女士的原创文章了(配了一幅姚明看射雕的照片,出处不明,却 是ESPN没有的)。 现将新文全文逐段摘录,并于ESPN原文对比如下: 记者刚到休斯敦时,姚明曾说:“德州人对我太好了,无论他们什么时候看到我都 是那样亲切,他们把我当作一个新来的朋友。我以前去过达拉斯,但印象仅仅是 ‘夏天很热,牛排很好吃,城市很大但没有上海热闹。’”这番话曾令当时的很多 美国人不解,如果是现在,姚明会用英语解释是因为休斯敦有160万人口,而上海 则有1600万人口。【第一段】 "The city has given me a very warm feeling," Yao said through Pine. "Whenever anybody greets me, they treat me like I'm a Texan, a new Texan. I've been in Dallas before ... and my impression was, 'It's really hot in the summer, the steak is really good, the area is very large and the cities aren't that crowded.' " That sounds crazy. Dallas and Houston aren't big? But consider ... Houston, Texas: Population 1.6 million. Big. Shanghai, China: Population 8.9 million. Bigger.【E文8-11段】 姚明习惯于以自行车作为交通工具,但火箭当然不会允许他那么做,光是想想骑车可 能受到的伤害火箭就不敢让姚明上车。开始姚明对此还觉得不可思议,可渐渐地他 就开始习惯于听队伍的安排了。毕竟,入了乡就必须随俗。姚明在谈到家时总会 说:“不管我在外面要承受多大的压力,遭遇多大的困难,只要能回到家,温暖的 感觉就胜过了一切。”【第二段】 One big difference: Yao would like to come to work by riding on his bike, like millions do in China. But the Rockets don't even want to think about the inherent dangers about setting Yao loose on his 10-speed in a city he doesn't yet know and in some places without bike paths. He is different, of course, but he is also like millions of other immigrants who come to this country to find their life's work. Some stay cemented in their culture; others assimilate as soon as they feel comfortable. It is an age-old dilemma: jump into the mainstream culture, or observe it at a distance? "I think both are necessary," Yao said. "Reading about American culture and history ... can give me a basic understanding about the culture, but experience is extremely important and getting out and having contact will give me a deeper impression."【E文12-14段】 不论如何,适应休斯敦还是必须从语言开始。姚明现在除了每天要读《今日美国》 等美国报刊外,还要看英语电视新闻,并拿支笔边看边记一个个的英语单词,就像 十年前的迪瓦茨一样拼命地记住尽量多的英语词汇。【第三段】 First, there is language. Yao reads USA Today and other American papers and, like Vlade Divac a decade earlier, picks up things here and there by sitting on his butt and watching U.S. television. But also like Divac, Yao has already absorbed more English than he lets on.【E文15段】 “姚明也许还不能说,但他已能理解很多了”,火箭队负责球员生活及训练的指导 琼斯说,“有一次,科林问我:‘你是哪里人?’我回答说:‘本来 (Originally),我是圣.安东尼奥人,但现在我已经在休斯敦住了七年。’那时姚 明看着我问:‘Originally?’然后科林就向他解释Originally的中文意思就是 ‘原来、以前’,于是姚明摇着头笑了笑,这时我问他‘你是哪里人?’他就调皮 地说:‘本来(Originally),我是上海人,但现在我是休斯敦人。”【第四段】 "He might not speak it but he understands a lot," said Keith Jones, the Rockets' director of player personnel and athletic trainer. "Colin asked me where I was from and I said 'Originally, from San Antonio, but I've been here for seven years.' And then Yao and looked at me and said 'Originally?' So Colin explained to him in Chinese what 'Originally' is, and Yao smiles and shakes his head. So I said 'Where are you from?' And he said 'Originally, from Shanghai. Now from Houston.' "【E文16段】 说起姚明的英语,火箭似乎人人都能说出一堆故事,火箭总经理道森说:“当姚明 第一次到这里时,有很多人去机场接他。但起先姚明所有的话都是通过翻译说的。 最后有个记者问姚明:‘你能自己用英语说两句话吗?’结果姚明就说了,他的话 留给我的印象太深刻了,当时他说:‘我很抱歉在机场时我不能满足每个球迷签名 合照的要求,但我只是一个人,这是没办法的事。我希望大家能够再给我一次机 会,如果以后我再见到大家,我一定会尽力满足大家的要求。’”【第五段】 "When he got here the first time," general manager Carroll Dawson said, "there were thousands of people at the (airport), and when we got back, everything was said through an interpreter. And finally one of the writers asked, 'Can you make a statement in English?' And he said -- and I will never forget this -- he said, 'I am sorry that I could not stop and sign every autograph and take every picture at the airport, but I am only one person, and I hope these people will give me another chance and I will have another chance to do it well.' "【E文17段】 除了日常用语,篮球还有专门的术语,这些姚明也要学。在没有参加训练营和夏季 联盟的情况下,姚明也要逐渐适应火箭的组合战略。【第六段】 Basketball has its own language, too. And the Rockets are using a combination of techniques to get Yao where he needs to be. Without the benefit of training camp or summer leagues, he's had to learn Houston's sets and plays on the fly.【E文18段】 “姚明告诉我,我说的话他有70%的内容能听懂,我真不知道他怎么能做得那么 好。他对比赛的感觉非常好,而且在第一次参加全队训练时就得到了队友的尊重。 我们给他提供的环境其实非常艰苦,队里的每个人都希望把他锻炼成自己希望的样 子,各人都有不同的想法,就好像每个人都要把他塑造成自己心里最美的一件艺术 品。”汤姆贾诺维奇说。【第七段】 "He says he understands me about 70 percent of the time," coach Rudy Tomjanovich said. "I don't know how he has done as well as he has done. The good news is he has a feel for the game and he gained respect from his teammates his very first practice, with some of the things he did, even the veteran guys. We really have put him in a tough situation. Everybody wants to form this guy to their own idea, and they are looking for this finished product. And in reality, this guy is a senior in college."【E文19段】 火箭花了一段时间终于找出了一条和姚明沟通而不需要用语言的方法。汤姆贾诺维 奇发现姚明对手势的反应比语言快得多。所以火箭就决定经常用手势来交流,这样 姚明就能听懂大家的意思而不需要说一句话。【第八段】 The Rockets have invested time into finding effective non-verbal methods of communication, both for their time with Yao and with one another. Tomjanovich has learned that Yao picks up things quicker when he's shown instead of told. So Houston's huddles frequently become a series of points and gestures, with Yao figuring out what Rudy T wants, without ever saying a word. It's not as grab bag as it sounds.【E文20段】 “我记得有一次姚明和汤姆贾诺维奇交流时用的是磁铁,他们在休息时来到白板面 前,姚明用磁铁在板上摆放着和汤姆贾诺维奇交流。可以看出,姚明的形象思维非 常好,如果他能在板上清楚地摆出进攻步骤,那么他就能在场上照这样做。”琼斯 说。(周捷)【第九段,完】 "The other day, a conversation came up talking about zone defenses," Jones recalled. "They went over to the board during practice, and Yao got the magnets and was moving them around, and him and Rudy connected right there. So his visual aspect of his learning is really strong and I guess especially in this sport, if you can see it on the board and put it in your mind, then maybe your feet will do that on the floor."【E文21 段】 另,ESPN文共30段。 ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇