◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   蜜蜂所李建科换脸作了植物所潘映红的秘书   作者:平分秋色   今日有幸拜读中国农科院蜜蜂所李建科和植物所潘映红的几篇文章,发现了 一个有趣的现象。这些文章的通讯作者都是潘映红,但联系方式却直通李建科 (apislijk@126.com)。读者可以从李建科以往以通讯作者发表的文章(作者中没 有潘映红)中的联系方式为证。什么原因呢?是潘映红不懂英文,没有办法和别 人沟通,(国家级的人才,说不过去呀!),还是李建科不甘让潘映红独占鳌头? 或是李建科换脸作了潘映红的秘书?纳闷!   1. Li J, Wang T, Zhang Z, Pan Y (2007) Proteomic analysis of royal jelly from three strains of western honeybees (Apis mellifera). J Agric Food Chem 55:8411-8422   2. Li J, Chen J, Zhang Z, Pan Y (2008) Proteome analysis of tea pollen (Camellia sinensis) under different storage conditions. J Agric Food Chem 56:7535-7544   3. Li JK, Feng M, Zhang L, Zhang ZH, Pan YH (2008) Proteomics analysis of major royal jelly protein changes under different storage conditions. J Proteome Res 7:3339-3353   4. Li J, Zhang L, Feng M, Zhang Z, Pan Y (2009) Identification of the proteome composition occurring during the course of embryonic development of bees (Apis mellifera). Insect Mol Biol 18:1-9 (XYS20090918) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇