◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   再谈中国地质大学(武汉)姚俊的学术不端行为   作者:Charles   中国地质大学(武汉)姚俊蓄意增加论文数量、炮制“垃圾”论文的本领堪 称一绝,主要表现在:1)简单重复发表类似研究结果。以不同重金属对不同细 菌代谢影响的热力学研究,发表了大量低水平的论文,如论文1-4分别是锌、铜、 铁、铬对大肠杆菌的代谢热力学研究,论文5-7分别为铜、锌、锰对苏云金芽孢 杆菌代谢影响的热力学研究,论文8-10为砷和镉对枯草芽孢杆菌代谢的热力学 研究。可想而知,以这样的排列组合方式可以发表多少论文?甚至有的重金属还 以不同浓度对细菌代谢影响的研究结果发表在两篇论文中。检索结果显示,其论 文大多发表在SCI影响因子0~1之间的期刊,论文他引很少。2)重复发表相同的 研究结果。如论文9与论文10互相重复利用数据、图表和结果,论文12、13、14 也是重复发表相同的研究结果。   如此一味追求论文数量,还能获得国家杰出青年科学基金,试想将会给青年 学者怎样的示范作用?   附姚俊发表的部分论文:   1) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Liang, H.G., Zhang, C., Zhu, J.C., Qin, X., Sun, M., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., 2005. The effect of zinc(II) on the growth of E-coli studied by microcalorimetry. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 79, 39-43.   2) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Liu, P., Liang, H.G., Sun, M., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., 2003. Study of the thermokinetic properties of copper(II) on Escherichia coli growth. Biological Trace Element Research 92, 61-69.   3) Wang, F., Yao, J.*, Wang, Y.X., Tian, L., Chen, H.L., Djak, A., Choi, M.M.F., Stupar, J., 2007. Micro calorimetric investigation of the toxic effect of iron species on Escherichia coli. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 17, 325-330.   4) Yao, J. *, Tian, L., Wang, F., Chen, H.L., Xu, C.Q., Su, C.L., Choi, M.M.F., Maskow, T., Zaray, G., Wang, Y.X., 2008. Microcalorimetric study on effect of chromium(III) and chromium(VI) species on the growth of Escherichia coli. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 26, 101-106.   5) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Tuo, Y., Liu, J.B., Chen, X., Zhou, Q., Dong, J.X., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., 2003. Action of Cu2+ on Bacillus thuringiensis growth investigated by microcalorimetry. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 39, 576-580.   6) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Gao, Z.T., Liu, P., Sun, M., Zou, X., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., 2002. Microcalorimetric study of the biological effects of Zn2+ on Bacillus thuringiensis growth. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 20, 746-752.   7) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Gao, Z.T., Liu, P., Sun, M., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., 2002. A microcalorimetric study of the biologic effect of Mn(II) on Bacillus thuringiensis growth. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 70, 415-421.   8) Chen, Y.J., Yao, J.*, Wang, F., Zhou, Y., Chen, H.L., Gai, N., Chen, H.Y., Chen, K., Maskow, T., Ceccanti, B., Trebse, P., Zaray, G., 2008. Toxic effect of inorganic arsenite [As(III)] on metabolic activity of Bacillus subtilis by combined methods. Current Microbiology 57, 258-263.   9) Chen, H.Y., Yao, J.*, Zhou, Y., Chen, H.L., Wang, F., Gai, N., Zhuang, R.S., Ceccanti, B., Maskow, T., Zaray, G., 2008. Investigation of the toxic effect of cadmium on Candida humicola and Bacillus subtilis using a microcalorimetric method. Journal of Hazardous Materials 159, 465-470.   10) Chen, H.Y., Yao, J.*, Zhou, Y., Chen, H.L., Wang, F., Gai, N., Zhuang, R.S., Ceccanti, B., Maskow, T., Zaray, G., 2008. The toxic effect of cadmium on pure microbes using a microcalorimetric method and a biosensor technique. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, (Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering) 43, 1639-1649.   11) Yao, J., Liu, Y., Liu, P., Gao, Z.T., Sun, M., Qu, S.S., Yu, Z.N., Shen, Y.F., 2003. Microcalorimetric investigation of the effect of manganese(II) on the growth of Tetrahymena shanghaiensis S(1)99. Biological Trace Element Research 92, 71-82.   12) Yao, J. *, Tian, L., Wang, Y.X., Djah, A., Wang, F., Chen, H.L., Su, C., Zhuang, R.S., Zhou, Y., Choi, M.M.F., Bramanti, E., 2008. Microcalorimetric study the toxic effect of hexavalent chromium on microbial activity of Wuhan brown sandy soil: An in vitro approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69, 289-295.   13) Yao, J.*, Xu, C.Q., Wang, F., Tian, L., Wang, Y.X., Chen, H.L., Zhou, Y., Choi, M.M.F., Bramanti, E., Maskow, T., 2007. An in vitro microcalorimetric method for studying the toxic effect of cadmium on microbial activity of an agricultural soil. Ecotoxicology 16, 503-509.   14) Yao, J.*, Wang, F., Tian, L., Zhou, Y., Chen, H.L., Chen, H.Y., Gai, N., Zhuang, R.S., Maskow, T., Ceccanti, B., Zaray, G., 2009. Studying the toxic effect of cadmium and hexavalent chromium on microbial activity of a soil and pure microbe, A microcalorimetric method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,95, 517-524. (XYS20090824) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇