◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 中国学术造假的打假者遭到袭击 Clifford Coonan香港报道 英国《独立报》2010年9月23日 (ziren翻译)   北京警方逮捕了四名涉嫌用铁锤袭击中国最著名的“科学警察”方舟子的四 名犯罪嫌疑人,其中还包括一名教授。方舟子以揭发宗教骗子、学术浮夸分子和 造假的研究人员著名。   方舟子上月遇袭立刻激起广泛的关注,纷纷猜测袭击与他的曝光学术欺诈著 称的“新语丝”网站有关。虽然方先生在遇袭后表示以后会更加注意安全,但他 还说:“我不会因此停止打假”。   8月29号他接受完电视采访,回家途中在大街上遭遇两名凶手朝他面部喷射 辣椒水紧接着用铁锤锤击背部。所幸他只是背部受轻伤并已完全康复。9月初警 方借助监控录像以及目击者确认了三名男子。这起案件的调查还涉及到另一起针 对《财经》记者、做调查性报道的方玄昌的袭击案。这两位并非亲戚的方先生曾 紧密合作打假,其中包括一期曝光虚假抗癌药的报道。   这三名受到指控的犯罪嫌疑人供称受雇于武汉协和医院泌尿科主任肖传国。 本周三肖传国教授在上海浦东机场被捕。   方舟子曾指称肖传国教授夸大其学术成果。这导致一系列肖诉方的诽谤案, 但除了一起外其余均遭驳回。   警方宣布肖传国教授已经承认这次袭击确系报复,因为他认定两方对他的曝 光导致他落选中科院院士。据报道,肖传国向警方供认他雇佣了戴建国,由戴找 到另两名嫌疑犯协助实施了这次袭击。   由于方舟子在中国高调打假,他已经树立了不少劲敌。他曾经揭露过北京大 学教授在招生过程中的种种不公行为,也曾查证了一位顶级遗传学家简历造假。   他还因指责前微软中国总裁唐骏的美国学历造假引起轰动,虽然唐骏极力否 认。对有意无意的中医药骗子,方舟子是如鲠在喉;而对那些毫无根据却自称环 保的人,他则穷追猛打。Scourge   他说由于对科学的无知,中国容易滋生种种骗子,致使社会的弱势阶层更易 于上当受骗。   由于在没有独立媒体的情况下曝光骗局实属不易,方舟子现在处于某种有利 的位置。中国政府对国家声誉(由于各种骗局所遭受)的损害也表示了关注,尤 其是在该国的某些声名显赫的学者被爆抄袭的时候。 Scourge of China's academic fakes attacked By Clifford Coonan in Hong Kong Thursday, 23 September 2010 Fang Zhouzi's website built up a powerful reputation for highlighting academic fraud Beijing police have arrested four men, including a professor, over a hammer attack on China's top "science cop", a whistle-blower famed for exposing religious fakes, academic charlatans and bogus researchers. Fang Zhouzi was attacked last month, sparking immediate suspicions of a link with his "New Thread" website, which has built up a powerful reputation for highlighting academic fraud. "I will not stop battling pseudoscience," Mr Fang said after the attack, although he said he would be more cautious about his own safety in future. The attackers temporarily blinded Mr Fang with pepper spray then hit him on the back with a hammer in the street as he returned home from a television interview on 29 August. He suffered minor injuries in the attack and has fully recovered. Police identified three men in early September using surveillance video and witnesses. The investigation was part of another inquiry into an attack on an investigative journalist, Fang Xuanchang, an editor of the financial journal Caijing, in June. The two Fangs – who are not related – had previously worked together, including on a story exposing a cancer medicine as fraudulent. The three alleged assailants said they had been hired by Xiao Chuanguo, head of the Urology Department at Wuhan Union Hospital, according to police. Professor Xiao was arrested at Shanghai's Pudong airport on Tuesday. Mr Fang had claimed that Professor Xiao had exaggerated his academic credentials, prompting a series of libel actions from Professor Xiao. All but one were thrown out. Police said Professor Xiao confessed the attacks were revenge as he believed exposure by the two writers had caused him to lose out on an appointment to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Xiao allegedly told police he hired Dai Jianxiang, who arranged for two accomplices to help him to carry out the attacks. Fang Zhouzi has made some powerful enemies with his high-profile campaigns to expose fakery in China. He has unmasked Beijing University professors using unfair means to grant students entry, and found evidence that a top geneticist had faked his diploma. He also caused a furore when he accused Tang Jun, the former chief executive of Microsoft China, of fabricating his academic credentials in the US. Mr Tang has denied the allegations. Mr Fang's particular bugbear is fakery in Chinese traditional medicine and he goes after those who claim to be environmentalists but are without merit. He says China is prone to such charlatans because there is a general ignorance about science, leaving the weakest members of society prone to abuse. He is in a powerful position, as, in the absence of an independent media, exposing such trickery is difficult. The government is also concerned about the damage to China's reputation, particularly when some of the country's top academics are exposed as plagiarists. (XYS20100927) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇