◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 上海大学计算机工程与科学学院副院长缪淮扣及该校另一人被英国学者揭露抄袭 今天在twitter上看到的,英国某研究员在她的网站上揭露其博士论文被上海大学 两学者抄袭,其中一人系上海大学计算机工程与科学学院副院长 网址在这里 http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~monika/#Current_Research *** Monika Solanki Current Research I am a Research associate working on the European Commission Framework 6 IST Project, "Contract based Systems Engineering Methods forVerifiable Cross-Organisational Networked Business Application" Some of my current work on the project include Leading the work on designing and developing runtime monitoring mechanisms for Contracts in Web services using a symbolic approach. Designing and developing specifications for contract verification mechanisms/tools with specific emphasis on their application to Web services, using symbolic model checking. Previous Research Important: Plagiarism notice This is to let everyone know, that work from my PhD thesis and from my papers on compositionality in Web services has been plagiarised word-to-word 80% by HuaiKou Miao School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China hkmiao@shu.edu.cn JunFeng Wu School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China Jackeywjf@gmail.com for a paper they had submitted to an IEEE conference: Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07). The plagiarised paper : "Applying Formal Methods to Compositionality Description of Web Service" They have not even bothered to change the figures, text etc and have infact done a print screen. I can confidently say that the paper is 80% plagiarised from my thesis and papers. It is very easy for me to prove this. Just to also let you know that they have not bothered to reference any of my papers or thesis in this copied work I have written to these two plagiarisers, some PC members of the conference and also the IPR office of IEEE and I am now waiting for justice to be done. PhD (De Montfort University, UK, 2005): A Compositional Framework for the Specification, Verification and Runtime Validation of Reactive Web Services Abstract In this thesis, we propose an architecture based on a ``Compositional'' approach, for the specification, verification and runtime validation of reactive services and their composition. We present a sound computational model and a wide spectrum language, Abstract Service Design Language (ASDL), with well defined semantics in terms of our underlying logical framework, for designing service oriented systems. Fundamental to our approach is the notion of Compositionality. To achieve this, we augment Web service specifications with properties called assumption and commitment. We show how runtime validation of service composition can be achieved using an interpreter for, Tempura, an executable subset of Interval Temporal Logic (ITL). Finally we present ``TeSCO-S'': (Te)mporal (S)emanti(C)s for (O)WL enabled (S)ervices, a framework along with tool support for enriching Web service interface specifications, described as OWL ontologies with the temporal assertions of assumption and commitment. Research Interests Service Oriented Computing (Web Services) Semantic Web Services Semantic Web & associated technologies Distributed computing Agent based systems Formal methods Offline verification(model checking) Runtime monitoring Contact m dot solanki at imperial dot ac dot uk *** Google 搜索得 缪淮扣 1986年毕业于上海科技大学计算机科学系,获计算机应用工学硕士学位; 并继续留校工作。 1987年起任讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师;1988年至 1991年期间任软件教研室党支部书记、软件教研室副主任;1991年 至1998年期 间任计算机科学系副系主任;现任上海大学计算机工程与科学学院副院长。 (XYS20100522) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇