◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 方学家小传 作者:羽矢   1. 肖传国   前医生、教授,已革职,“肖氏手术”的发明人。该手术据称能使脊髓损伤 患者恢复“几乎正常的膀胱存储和协同排尿功能”[a1],“能使脊柱裂儿童无失 禁并恢复膀胱功能”[a2]。来自“国际学术界”的合作者们曾在支持肖的公开信 中[a3],高度赞扬其“科学和人道贡献”,当时他因策划针对科学打假斗士方舟 子和记者方玄昌的暴力袭击而被捕[a4,a5]。   肖最伟大的人道贡献是,在原本用于狗实验的美国NIH资金支持下[a6,a7], “从动物实验勇敢地跨入人体研究”[a3]到中国矿工身上。当时,距其在同行评 议杂志上发表猫实验论文[a8]还有4年。肖的另一项人道贡献是,在其手术被卫 生部宣布为“安全性、有效性的循证医学证据尚不足”[a11],并被河南省卫生 厅叫停[a10]之前,肖与其团队已经在数千中国患者身上广泛开展了其手术 [a9]。   肖的科学贡献之一是,距其医院实施首例手术尚不足8个月,他就创造性地 发现“术后随访8个月以上60例,85%的患者大小便已恢复正常”。他最重要的 科学贡献则是他勇敢地让全世界的医生验证其手术,尽管国外迄今为止的临床试 验表明:“手术临床疗效与肖此前所报告的截然不同”[a13];德国,“该手术 在8名脊髓损伤患者中无一达到其最初基本目标”[a14];美国,9名脊柱裂患者 中的“大多数患者尿失禁仍成问题”[a15]。   肖先生是方学研究先驱。早在10年前他就举报过方舟子抄袭,但不幸因无据 而被《科学》驳回[a16]。此后,他不遗余力地投入到对方舟子的口头批判、法 律诉讼乃至肉体打击,后者导致其身陷囹圄、教授职位解除、医生资格吊销。出 狱后,他除了在其博客上推销其手术、招徕病人、遥控诊断外,一直积极从事方 学研究。肖先生在历次反方战役中的不懈努力,特别是其狱中经历,使其成为方 学家们当之无愧的精神领袖。   2. 葛莘(亦明)   前南卡罗莱纳大学植物学技术员[b1]、中文基础课教师[b2]。他对医学的最 大贡献是发明了一种“年销售额即可达1.5亿元”的解酒药[b3]。曾于2003年和 2007年冒充“分子生物学副教授”到中国推销该解酒药[b3]。他对生物学的最大 贡献则是发现了转基因食品对人类健康的可能危害之一是存在“转基因DNA与人 类基因组DNA整合到一起”的可能性[b4]。   葛博士是术语“Fangology(方学)”的发明人[b5],他也因此成为方学研 究的奠基人。现为专职方学家,著有数部上百万字方学著作,大部分紧急发表于 肖传国被捕之后,以作为对肖的支持。   3. 廖俊林(寻正)   美国爱荷华大学附属医院外科财务分析员[c1]。自称“医学院助理教授” [c2]、现在做“偏向临床”的“医学研究”[c3]。他对生物学和医学有众多贡献, 例如,宣布了“中心法则早就破产证伪”[c3];发现了“(美国的)权威机构都 把食疗当作首选的高血压治疗方式”[c2]。他对法学和刑侦学也有重大贡献,例 如,判定《海内外知识分子关于肖传国诉方舟子案的公开信》“违背了现代法制 中的司法独立原则……已经是刑事犯罪……甚至以藐视法庭而判罪”[c4];在方 舟子被袭后,推断“方舟子自己策划这一场表演”的可能性为5%[c5]。   廖博士认为:“策划这场暴力的混蛋,他妈的真是孬种,有种的直接站出来” [c6]。肖传国被证实是那个孬种后,廖博士“直接站出来”,公开“悬赏袭击方 舟子”,宣布“我要招人袭击你,做得理直气状:……用300毫升以上的容器, 装入大粪,泼到方舟子头上,每袭击一次,我奖励30美元。[c7]”被报警后,廖 博士“不再悬赏袭击方舟子”,并诅咒“策划相应暴力行为是要下地狱的”[c8]。   4. 刘实   美国国家环保局信息技术专业人员[d1],自称“超一流生命科学家”,自任 “美国国家环保局环保专家”[d2]。他是顶尖期刊《细胞》、《自然》、《科学》 等的长期、频繁供稿人。大量投稿不幸被拒绝后,他成为自己的大批“科学期刊” 的唯一作者[d3],同时身兼这大批“科学期刊”的出版商及总编[d4]。   肖传国被捕后,刘博士曾“向北警公开自首勾结诱导肖传国教训方舟子”, 自称“全球剿方大军的统帅,8-29戏方案(不是袭方案)的最高级别主谋”[d5]。   5. 甘任远(圆排骨)   自称“为了能够支付帐单不得不每天干活”的“独力学者”,自称“在南加 州的法学院教法律”[e1]。他在法学研究方面的贡献是发现了美国的确有法律 “禁止民众在国会表达自己的政见”[e2]。甘任远还身兼业余侦探。据亦明宣称, 甘“掌握大量方舟子犯罪证据,所以方舟子六年来一直不敢披露他的真身”[e3]。   为了发泄对方舟子的仇恨,甘任远在肖传国被捕后伪装成方舟子到《科学》 网站大量发帖辱骂方舟子。点击留言中的“Shi-Min Fang”,然后点击“View details”,可以看到“圆排骨”所发的大量谩骂文字[e4]。甘任远还在留言中 透露,“那份34名国外医生签署的公开信是肖先生的妻子写的”。 Biographies of Famous Fangologists [Disclaimer: If you find something ridiculous in the Biographies, it is what it is.] 1. Chuanguo Xiao Former medical doctor and professor (dismissed), inventor of the “Xiao Procedure”, a surgical procedure that, according to Xiao’s claims, can restore “almost normal storage and synergic voiding” in patients with spinal cord injury [a1], and “can achieve continence and restore bladder function in children with spina bifida” [a2]. His “scientific and humanitarian contributions to the world” were highly commended by his collaborators from the “International Academic Community” in an open letter [a3] in support of Xiao after he was arrested for masterminding violent attacks on science fraud buster Fang Zhouzi and journalist Fang Xuanchang [a4,a5]. His most greatest humanitarian contribution is that, funded by an NIH grant initially awarded for dogs research [a6,a7], he “took the courageous step of moving from animal research to human studies” [a3] on Chinese miners, 4 years before his research paper on cats was published in a peer-reviewed journal [a8]. His another humanitarian contribution is that he and his team had massively practiced his procedure on thousands of Chinese patients [a9], before the procedure was banned by the local health department [a10] following the announcement from the Ministry of Health of China that “the safety and efficacy of the technique still lacks validation in the sense of evidence-based medicine” [a11]. One of his scientific contributions is that, in less than 8 months after his first surgery in his hospital, he creatively found that, “followed up for more than 8 months, 85% of the 60 patients have recovered normal bladder and bowel functions” [a12]. His most significant contribution is that he bravely brought his procedure to the validation by doctors all over the world, although the clinical trials out of China so far have showed that “the clinical benefit of the procedure is not at all similar to (Xiao’s) previous reports” [a13]; “the surgery failed to achieve its primary goal for any of the eight SCI patients” in Germany [a14]; “incontinence still problem in most” of 9 spina bifida patients in the U.S. [a15]. Mr. Xiao is a pioneer Fangologist. He was the first to report Fang Zhouzi’s plagiarism as early as 10 years ago, but unfortunately was dismissed by Science for groundless accusation [a16]. Since then, he has spared no effort in verbal criticism, legal actions, and finally physical strike on Fang, while the latter led to his imprisonment, the removal of his professorship, and the revocation of his medical licence. After getting out of jail, he is still actively engaged in the studies of Fangology, besides promoting his procedure, recruiting patients and remote diagnosis on his blog. Mr. Xiao’s tireless efforts in each of anti-Fang campaigns, especially his experience behind bars, have made him the well-deserved spiritual leader of Fangologists. 2. Xin Ge (Yiming) Former technician in Plant Biology [b1] and part-time teacher in Elementary Chinese Mandarin [b2] at the University of South Carolina. His greatest contribution to medicine is the invention of a hangover medicine, with expected annual sales of 20 million dollars [b3]. In 2003 and 2007, posing as an “Associate Professor in Molecular Biology”, he came to China to promote his hangover medicine [b3]. His greatest contribution to biology is that he found one of the risks of GM foods to human health is the possibility of “the recombination of transgenic DNA and human genomic DNA” [b4]. Dr. Ge is the inventor of the term “Fangology” (Studies on Fang Zhouzi) [b5], and therefore the founder of it. He is currently a dedicated Fangologist who has published several online Fangology books with more than a million words, most of which were published to support Mr. Xiao Chuanguo immediately after Xiao’s arrest. 3. Junlin Liao (Xunzheng) Financial Analyst at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Surgery [c1]. As a self-claimed “Assistant Professor of Medicine” [c2] “doing clinical-focused medical research” [c3], he has made many contributions to biology and medicine. For example, he declared that “the Central Dogma has long been overthrown and falsified [c3]”; he found that “currently the authorities in the U.S. adopt food therapy as the preferred treatment of hypertension [c2]”. He also has significant contributions to the studies of law and criminal investigation. For example, he determined that an open letter protesting an unjust sentence “violates the principle of judicial independence… is a criminal offense … even could be convicted of contempt of court [c4]”; he inferred that “Fang Zhouzi himself staged the show with the probability of 5% [c5]” after Fang being attacked. Dr. Liao believes that “the bastards who conspired the violence are really fucking cowards; brave ones should stand up and come forward directly” [c6]. Shortly after Xiao was identified to be the coward behind the violent attacks, Dr. Liao stood up and came forward directly to “offer reward to attack Fang Zhouzi,” announcing that “I want to recruit people to attack you, doing it righteously: … I reward $30 for each of the cases of spilling on Fang’s head with feces filled in a 300 ml or more container”[c7]. After the local police being called, Dr. Liao “no longer offers reward to attack Fang Zhouzi”, and cursed that “those who conspired violent actions should go to hell”[c8]. 4. Shi Liu Information technology specialist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [d1], self-claimed “super-class life scientist” and self-appointed “EPA environmental expert” [d2]. He is a long-term frequent contributor to top journals such as Cell, Nature and Science. After his huge amount of submissions misfortunately being rejected, he has become the sole author of a fleet of “scientific journals” [d3], of which he is also the publisher and the editor-in-chief [d4]. Shortly after Mr. Xiao’s arrest, Dr. Liu announced to “publicly surrender myself to Beijing police for my collusion and instigation with Chuanguo Xiao to teach Fang Zhouzi a lesson”, claiming himself as “the commander in chief of world’s army destroying Fang”, and “the highest level mastermind behind the case of teasing (not attacking) Fang” [d5]. 5. Christopher Gan (Yuanpaigu) Self-claimed “indepdent scholar” who “has to work everyday to pay the bills” [e1]. He also claimed that he “teaches at a Southern California law school” [e1], whose contribution in legal research is that he found that there do exist laws in the United States that “prohibit the public to express their political views in the Capitol” [e2]. Mr. Gan is also an amateur detective who, according to Yiming, “has seized a large amount of criminal evidence against Fang Zhouzi” [e3]. Shortly after Mr. Xiao’s arrest, Mr. Gan impersonated himself as Fang Zhouzi to post numerous abusive comments to curse Fang at Science’s website [e4], to express his hatred towards Fang. He also revealed in his comments that “that open letter signed by those 34 international medical doctors was written by Dr. Xaio’s wife”. References [a1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14501733 [a2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15879861 [a3] http://im1.biz/000/Xiao_Support_Letter_Int.pdf [a4] http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/10/doctor-sentenced-in- beijing-for.html [a5] http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v467/n7318/full/467884a.html [a6] http://www.researchgrantdatabase.com/g/5R01DK053063-05/SKIN-CNS-BLADDE R-REFLEX-ARC-FOR-MICTURITION-AFTER-SCI/ [a7] http://xysblogs.org/wp-content/blogs/107/uploads/1998xiao14sci.gif [a8] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10458412 [a9] http://news.yahoo.com/patients-protest-chinese-doctors-risky-surgery.h tml [a10] http://xysblogs.org/wp-content/blogs/20/uploads/cctv2xiao.jpg [a11] http://www.china.com.cn/zhibo/2010-11/09/content_21298706.htm [a12] http://xysblogs.org/wp-content/blogs/107/uploads/xpletter.html#l4 [a13] http://xysblogs.org/xysergroup/archives/8025 [a14] http://www.modernmedicine.com/modernmedicine/Modern+Medicine+Now/Bladd er-function-not-achieved-with-nerve-re-routin/ArticleStandard/Article/ detail/698878 [a15] http://www.icsoffice.org/Documents/Documents.aspx?DocumentID=897 [a16] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6bc79f2f0100rum8.html [b1] http://web.archive.org/web/20090311045739/http://www.biol.sc.edu/~newp lant/PlantBiology/students.html [b2] http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1039208 [b3] http://www.pjinfo.net/2007shujuku/panjinshujuku/detail1.asp?project=%C 0%FB%D3%C3%C4%CD%B8%DF%CE%C2%D2%D2%B4%BC%D1%F5%BB%AF%C3%B8%BC%F5%C7%E1 %BE%C6%BE%AB%B6%D4%C8%CB%CC%E5%B5%C4%B6%BE%BA%A6 [b4] http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=309667&do=blog&id=296 920 [b5] http://www.rainbowplan.org/bbs/topic.php?topic=127278 [c1] http://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu/surgery/administration.html [c2] http://nf.nfdaily.cn/ndzk/content/2010-06/17/content_12920325_2.htm [c3] http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=460310&do=blog&id=469 310 [c4] http://www.xys.org/xys/netters/Fang-Zhouzi/blog/xunzheng.txt [c5] http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=460310&do=blog&id=357 799 [c6] http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=460310&do=blog&id=357 433 [c7] http://www.xys.org/forum/db/7/141/194.html [c8] http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=460310&do=blog&id=366 244 [d1] http://www.epa.gov/heasd/emrb/emrb.html [d2] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502041670102dt06.html [d3] http://im1.biz/TopRejection.htm [d4] http://im1.biz/albums/userpics/10001/LB2007V7N4A7_StemCell4Regeneratio n.htm [d5] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502041670100ld4a.html [e1] http://www.xys.org/xys/netters/Fang-Zhouzi/sohu/dinglin4.txt [e2] http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no01/1/116727.shtml [e3] http://www.rainbowplan.org/bbs/topic.php?topic=141610 [e4] http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/09/urologist-arrested-f or-attacks.html ( Note: click on “Shi-Min Fang” then “View details” to show Yuanpaigu’s abusive comments ) (XYS20110903) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇