◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   葛兰素史克声明已因论文造假开除臧敬五   葛兰素史克发表声明,确认其中国研发中心主任臧敬五等人在2010年发表的 《自然·医学》论文造假。通讯作者臧敬五已被开除,第一作者刘学彬辞职,其 他三个作者离职。声明原文如下:   GSK statement regarding 2010 Nature Medicine study   June 10, 2013   GSK and Nature Medicine both received some weeks ago the same information alleging misrepresentation of data in a research paper written by scientists at GSK's China research centre and published in Nature Medicine in 2010. The published study was from preclinical, early stage research and did not directly involve patients.   When these allegations came to light we immediately contacted the journal to tell them that we were taking the charges seriously and would be investigating thoroughly. Regretfully, our investigation has established that certain data in the paper were indeed misrepresented. We've shared our conclusion that the paper should be retracted and are in the process of asking all of the authors to sign a statement to that effect, according to Nature Medicine's procedure.   We have taken action in response to these findings, which we have shared with our employees. One individual has been dismissed from GSK; a second has submitted his resignation and three others have been placed on administrative leave, pending a final review.   We are committed to the highest ethical and scientific standards and regulators, physicians and patients can have confidence in the research we carry out. (XYS20130615) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇