◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xinyusi.us)(groups.google.com/group/xinyusi)◇◇   对CNS论文过度赞誉和过度奖励应该停止了   作者:杜克林   最近看到深圳理工大学丁峰教授上了头条( https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UCp4SuAy0768I2hl7Qdmrw)。其中,对丁峰 教授的介绍如下:   “深圳理工大学讲席教授,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员丁峰教授 自2022年底全职回国工作以来,短短1年半时间已经发表SCI论文近50篇,其中 包括Nature 3篇,Science 1篇,Nature Materials 3篇,Nature Communications 7篇等。丁峰教授一直深耕于材料生长机制的理论研究,是国 际碳材料、低维材料生长机制领域的开拓者和领跑者。他提出的碳材料与低维材 料的生长机制受到了国际的广泛认可,成功解释了众多材料生长过程中的实验现 象,理论预言多次被实验验证,极大地推动了碳材料与低维材料的可控合成。丁 峰教授最近提出了“材料制造,理论先行”的科研理念,带领的科研团队与合作 者正致力于推动“在理论指导下进行材料制造与器件制造”的研究,旨在改变传 统的材料制造的“试错”模式,大幅度缩短材料的研发周期。经过多年的深耕, 丁峰教授最近1年半丰硕的研究成果说明在“AI for Science”的加持下,材料 生长机制的研究已然来到了大爆发的时刻。”   无疑,丁教授是顶尖的中国科学家。但是,如果仅仅以CNS论文的数量来评 价学者,我觉得有失公允。所以,就此事发表如下的评论。   对于某些实验学科,自然杂志、科学杂志及其子刊只是普通的综合性学术期 刊。但是中国却把这些期刊神话了。目前,国内很多高校对每一篇自然或科学杂 志的论文奖励100万元。我敢肯定,他们更多是为了奖金和岗位和声誉的目的, 并不是说他们在自己的研究领域有多大的突破。即使他们发表100篇,除了得到 优渥的生活和光环,也得不到一个诺贝尔奖。   查看过去的诺奖记录,没有几个人得诺贝尔奖的代表作是在自然或科学杂志 这些综合期刊上发表的,而大多是在他们各自领域的学术期刊上发表的。目前开 辟人类进入AI时代的深度学习领域的三个开创者也都基本上没有在自然或科学杂 志发表论文。直到他们得了图灵奖之后,科学杂志才邀请他们共同署名在科学杂 志发表了一篇科普文章。   记得几十年前在国内一个985工科院校上学时,国内没有兴起SCI考核,我 对SCI都没有什么概念,只知道Ei。我认识的该校物理系的硕士生都发表了两到 三篇SCI论文,而该物理系在全国排名应该在数十位,而物理系发表的SCI数量 占全校1/3。该校力学系的教授忙于做力学试验,每换一种材料就发表一篇 SCI。   这让我想起了施一公和颜宁这样的明星科学家,带领研究生每换一种蛋白质 用冷冻电镜实验来测出一个蛋白质结构,就发表一篇自然论文,每年发表10篇8 篇的,他们应该是到目前为止,中国发表自然杂志论文最多的人,也为清华大学 带来了荣誉。但是,他们的工作最先被AI取代。   谷歌旗下的AlphaMind开发的AlphaFold仅用了半年在2020年分析出2亿种 蛋白质的结构,而且全部网络公开,精度达到或超过实验测量结果。次年, Meta也开发出AI并分析了这个星球上几乎所有的6亿种蛋白质的结构。所以,颜 宁这样的网红明星科学家,也不得不离开普林斯顿大学,因为她的学科没有存在 的价值,仿效她的老师施一公,回国做学官了。   每个学科都有自己的特长,学术评价应该是全球范围的同行评审,而不是在 讲关系讲人情的自己单位的小圈子里进行,或者是在中国人小圈子内进行。也许 中国的领导对中国人的认识最为清楚,对研究人员的考核采取了类似高考的打分 制度,以应对学术圈的腐败。然后,学者们为了保住岗位和待遇,或者是为了考 核后面的物质利益,使尽了各种手段,不是去提升学术水平,而是去满足学校设 置的硬性考核指标,比如,找关系或者找中介去提升自己论文的引用、找中介去 收买学术期刊编辑、大量的小圈子相互引用等等。   如下四个邮件是我最近收到的来自来自中介的操弄论文发表和引用的邮件, 很多教授都收到这样的邮件,这里进行曝光。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (这是我3024年3月16日收到的邮件,不知道为什么他们把时间设为2021年。) From: Nikki_Bella@vision-science.com Sent: March 16, 2021 2:16 To: kldu Subject: Invitation Dear Professor, Greetings and good day! I am Nikki Bella from Vision Science Reasearch SdnBhd, Deputy Director of the International Academic Communication Department. Vision Science Research is a global scientific research institute located in Malaysia, it has a team of multinational researchers and experts. In order to improve the overall layout of the institute, we are now eager to cooperate with our peers in various scientific subjects. Recommended by the data center, it is known to us that you are an expert in your research fields and have been active in these areas for some time. Besides, I have seen your papers online, and we are interested in collaborating with you. Vision Science Research sincerely invites you to participate in the study of the topics in your related fields. Please reply this email to indicate your willingness if you are interested in joining us. We are pleased to cooperate with such an excellent scholar like you and I believe our cooperation will be a successful one. Looking forward to hearing from you soon and wish you all the best. Nikki Bella Vision Science Research SdnBhd Nikki_Bella@vision-science.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carlee <201904217239@ssl.exmail.qq.com> Sent: May 26, 2024 11:08 To: kldu Subject: Seek for your assistance in paper publication Dear Editor, Good morning. Sorry to bother you, but we really need your help.We are a domestic translation agency in China that specializes in polishing papers for publication in journals.If you can help us publish articles in your journal, we will give you a nice reward. Are you interested in establishing long-term cooperation with us? Contact me! Carlee Email: carleeli78@gmail.com Wechat: CC-Scholarship-LY TEL/WHATSAPP: +86 19948115577 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ivy Yang Sent: April 28, 2024 2:11 To: kldu@ece.concordia.ca Subject: Sincere Invitation for Journal Cooperation Dear Dr. Ke-Lin Du, I hope this email finds you well. This is Ivy Yang, a researcher from Journal Developing Consulting Co.Ltd. I am writing to ask whether you are interested in publication collaborations. I came across your academic publications, and I was impressed with the quality of your work. I believe that we share similar research interests, so I would like to explore the possibility of collaborating with you on some upcoming publication needs. Our team has been working on the publication of academic papers, and we are looking for someone with your expertise to help recommend some high-impact journals for publication and also follow the review process until acceptance. We understand that this process can be time- consuming and demanding, and we would like to offer you remuneration for your work and time on this. We believe that your input would be invaluable in improving the quality of our publications and increasing their chances of acceptance. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please let me know, and we can discuss the details further. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, Ivy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cris Cipriano Sent: June 8, 2024 8:23 To: kldu@ece.concordia.ca Subject: Dear Editor We are an institution specializing in academic research. Our authors come from different higher universities in China, so we have many high- quality articles in related fields such as computer science, engineering, materials science, physics, and management science. We know your reputation in academia, so we look forward to working with you. We know the rules of cooperation, so we can ensure the confidentiality of cooperation and achieve mutual benefit. We are also keen to help editors cite their journal literature and help journals better improve their impact factors and ratings. After 10 years of development, we have accumulated more than 60,000 customers (doctors and college teachers), including but not limited to computer science, materials science, physics, chemistry, communication, medicine, electronics, automation, management science, mathematical application, ecological environment, and electromechanical and other majors. Most authors expect their articles to be accepted and published in SCI/EI/SSCI journals as soon as possible. We have successfully published hundreds of articles in journals such as Elsevier, Springer, IEEE, IET, etc. We know that you are responsible for many special issues of Springer, IET, MDPI, SAGE, Wiley, and Elsevier publishers. And we hope to establish long-term, stable, and friendly cooperation with you. Our cooperation is to help more authors publish their articles more professionally and smoothly. The process is roughly like this: 1. We will select articles suitable for your journal (ensuring the quality and scope of the article) and send them to you for confirmation of submission. 2. I will manage the submission of manuscripts to the journals you recommend. 3. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in accelerating the peer review process. 4. The author will handle the revision. If you think we can cooperate also, you can add my WhatsApp or WeChat at any time. Waiting for your reply. I think we're going to be great partners. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   自2020年中国的SCI论文数量就是世界第一,近年来已经开始大幅超越美 国。然而,我们分析发现,中国作者的论文的自引率也是世界最高,超过50%、 被撤稿的论文也是世界最多。中国的研究成果给世界的印象也像中国的产品一 样。近年来依据论文指标的各种大学排名,中国挤入一百强的大学越来越多。   我希望中国学者发表的不仅仅是论文,更多应该是来自踏实的研究的成果汇 报。我期待未来20年内能够中国科学家能够拿到几项诺贝尔科学奖、菲尔兹 奖、图灵奖等,而不是中国人在国内关起门来用企业家的捐助给自己圈子里面的 人发中国人自己的科学大奖。 (XYS20240612) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xinyusi.us)(groups.google.com/group/xinyusi)◇◇