◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 康州大学Olgac教授将采取行动打击西安交大力学系徐晖等人剽窃其成果 作者:Freeman 前几日新语丝曝光了西安交大建力学院徐晖教授及其博士生陈丁跃等人涉嫌剽窃 的事之后,徐晖等人未做任何反应,看来是做贼心虚。而西安交大校方也未采取 任何公开回应,对比不久前的“赵仲孟剽窃事件”,可见西安交大本届领导班子 在打击学术腐败方面的魄力远逊于上届班子。同时也说明徐党委书记在西安交大 也是有点背景的,不像赵仲孟副教授那么容易对付。 其实徐晖等人不做回应的目的,只不过是想使事件停留在“涉嫌剽窃”的阶段。 因为他们一旦胆敢出来辩驳,无疑会使事件定性为真正“剽窃”。鉴于此,为了 给读者一个交代,笔者联系了被剽窃论文的作者Olgac教授,征询他对此事的看 法。Olgac教授回信称将马上采取行动打击这种不道德行为。估计很快徐晖等人 以及西安交大工程力学系将受到涉案的3份杂志的处理。(这里我对因这些处理 对力学系其他老师可能带来的不利影响表示歉意) 后面附上我的征询信和Olgac教授的答复。 ---------------------------------- 1,征询信(英语水平有限,见笑): Dear Porfessor Nejat Olgac, I knew that you are one of the most world-famous scientists in the field of vibration and control and one powerful invention of you is DR. It is, however, a great pity that recently I read a paper about vibration suppression by chen [1] in which lots of paragraphs are directly copied from your article entitled "Analysis and design of delayed resonator in discrete domain" published on JVB 6, 273-289, 2000. Your article is even not presented in their references list. In addtion, I think they stolen your idea about DR. Although they called their vibration absorber as DD (delayed damper), to my knowledge, it is enssecially identical with DR not only in structure but in principle. They referenced two chinese papers to prove their invention of DD (second paragraph in Introduction). However, the first one has nothing about vibtation control while the sencond one does not exist indeed. Worse than all, they published their paper in 3 journals simultaneously (see also [2][3])! I wonder what you think about the paper and if the authors plagiarised your work. Here I have a email address of the president of authors' university: **********. Maybe it is useful to you. Please find attached chen's paper in pdf format. Sincerely yours, **** References (all of these papers can be found at ISI web of science) [1] Chen D, Xu H Dynamic analysis of delayed damper system in engineering structures J SOUND VIB 250 (4): 609-616 FEB 28 2002 [2] Chen DY, Xu H, Dong JJ Dynamic analysis of delayed damper system in engineering structures J LOW FREQ NOISE V A 20 (3): 149-156 2001 [3] Dingyue C, Xia L, Hongsheng C, et al. Study of vibration suppression in discrete domain ACTA MECH 158 (1-2): 57-66 2002 ------------------------------------ 2,Olgac教授的答复(仅隐去我的姓名) Dear *****, I am constantly exposed to these types of violations of ethics. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I will take actions on this immediately. Usually, I let the Editors-in-Chief of the Journals contact the Presidents and the Department Heads of the plagiarizing party. Thanks again. Prof. Nejat Olgac University of Connecticut Mechanical Engineering Department 191 Auditorium Rd. Storrs, CT 06269-3139 Tel : (860) 486 2382 FAX : (860) 486 5088 www: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/alarm/ (XYS20031116) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇