◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 神迹:石峰博士五年至少发表51篇论文获批19项专利 作者:科学求真 舟子:   无论多忙,每日必读新语丝。我辈同仁对先生的钦佩自不必多说,久读先生 文章之后,竟然生起出手支持舟子之想法.   我于2002年底毕业于美国某大学,化学专业Ph.D. 现博士后的干活。7年里 勤奋工作,不才得很,至今才发表了6篇第一作者3篇第二作者共9篇论文。稍感 欣慰的是,我的教授却对我褒奖有加。   今天(12月9号)在新雨丝上读到Bidendate写的<兰州化物所石峰博士, 请你回答!>一文,不禁惊讶于石峰博士的高产.惊异之下认真核实,发现石峰 博士在2000年至2005年,至少发表了51篇论文,申报并获批了十九项专利.真乃 神人!各位请看,详细情况附后。   我认真阅读了Bidendate反映的情况,基于我的专业知识,我完全同意他的 分析。石峰博士所发的文章,粗制滥造,治学极不严谨,给人感觉是为了发文章 而发文章,不是一个严肃科学家的态度。现在我就他最近发表在JACS(J. Am. Chem. Soc.以下同)上的文章,做如下具体评论。欢迎同行指正。   一,石文要旨。   石峰博士发文的套路,与不久前被揭露的中国科技大学陈乾旺教授诸公用高 压锅煮出金刚石的妙想一脉相承——他们声称在解决当今重大科学难题上有重大 突破,堪称石破天惊!陈教授用不值钱的原料——石墨,在自制的高压锅里,煮 出了价格昂贵的金刚石!其主要错误在于:他们对产品的检验不严谨,但好歹还 算是有鉴定;而石峰博士则技高一筹,他们试验用的两种主要原料之一,是人类 欲尽力摆脱的废物——二氧化碳,其反应可简化为不值钱的原料(R)+ 二氧化 碳,生成较值钱的产物(P)。反应器也是自制的炉子,外加高温高压。较陈乾 旺更加恶劣的是,石峰等只是简单声称:他们得到了预期的产物,以及产率、转 化率如何之好云云,但是竟然没有任何有关产物鉴定的具体数据与图谱。红外和 核磁,是常规的必须做的产品定性分析,这个分析回答产物是什么的问题。他们 给出了GC(气相色谱)产率,但没有一张色谱图(色谱图中能看出有多少物种及 相对含量)。上述三种图谱,居然一张都没有出示,也没有文字描述,就敢断然 声称那么重大的发现——他们可以变废为宝,硬是把二氧化碳这种温室气体变为 有价值的化学原料!   二,石文如何能够在JACS上发表。   大家一定会问既然该文存在如此重大问题,为何能通过评审?   主要原因有二。其一,评审者相信作者,如前面指出的,合成中产物的鉴定, 是常规操作,评审者自动认为研究者会认真去做,否则该作者就不应该从事科学 研究。其二,该文是一篇两页的简短通讯,JACS的通讯文章主要看重新颖 (novelty)和广泛重要性(general interest)。该文无疑是满足这两项标准 的。然而科学是求真,你要是成心不求真,毫无防范的义务评审者又奈你何!   三,石文有存心欺骗之嫌疑。   如Bidendate所指出的,石峰博士等在supporting materials中说:"the procedure for preparation of the catalysts had great effect on the catalytic activity and some unclear factors usually affected the catalytic activity severely." 很多时候评审者是不去看supporting materials的,因为它只是用来做辅助说明,重要的关键的内容,应该写在正文 里.试想:如果石峰博士在正文里说"the procedure for preparation of the catalysts had great effect on the catalytic activity and some unclear factors usually affected the catalytic activity severely",会有什么样 的结果?   以上是我考察的结果.   石峰博士这种行为对中国社会资源的浪费,对社会道德的副作用,不用我说 大家都明白,单说说对咱们这些在美国从事科学研究的中国人的影响,说说对化 学界有影响的杂志的伤害,就够说到天亮,气得人喝茶都没味道.简单地说,有 如下几点:   一,他这样的"高产",对认真搞科学研究的人是不公平的,你兢兢业业地 做试验,发文章慎之又慎,他那里鬼画符一样地转眼发了一大堆沽名钓誉的文章. 这不是公平竞争.   二,这样不负责任地毁坏中国科学工作者的名声,日子久了,纸包不住火, 总要露馅儿,将来人家遇到中国人寄来的文章,就先怀疑是不是真的,对那些严 谨治学的中国科学家是不公平的.   三,大家都是做化学的,都知道JACS的分量,但是如果这样的文章多了,这 本有着一百二十六年辉煌历史的杂志,就会因此名声受损,我不愿意看到这本杂 志的声誉被玷污.   对于这件事,我觉得石峰博士有义务回答我的质疑,并出具原始的有关产物 的红外图谱,色谱图谱,核磁图谱.真理应该经得住质疑.   方舟子先生的打假事业,于国家有利,于社会有利,于我们每个有良心的科 学工作者有利,我深表敬意,并以实际行动予以支持. 附录:石峰博士2000年到2005年"成果"一览 Publications: Year 2000-2005 1. Xiong, Hai; Shi, Feng; Peng, Jia-jian; Deng, You-quan. Synthesis of supported gold catalysts for selective oxidation of cyclohexane with air. Fenzi Cuihua (2005), 19(3), 204-207. 2. Zhang, Qinghua; Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Yang, Jing; Deng, Youquan. Efficient and eco-friendly process for the synthesis of N-substituted 4-methylene-2-oxazolidinones in ionic liquids. Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(35), 5907-5911. 3. Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Research and application of ionic liquids in catalysis and separation. Huagong Xuebao (Chinese Edition) (2004), 55(12), 1957-1963. 4. Guo, Shu; Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Yang, Jing; Deng, Youquan. Size-controllable synthesis of gold nanoparticles via carbonylation and reduction of hydrochloroauric acid with CO and H2O in ionic liquids. Chemistry Letters (2005), 34(6), 830-831. 5. Zhou, Han-cheng; Chen, Nan; Shi, Feng; Deng, You-quan. Studies on desulfurization of gasoline by extracting with ionic liquids. Fenzi Cuihua (2005), 19(2), 94-97. 6. Xiong, Hai; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Synthesis and application of supported cobalt catalyst for selective oxidation of cyclohexane and toluene. Cuihua Xuebao (2004), 25(11), 887-891. 7. Shi, Feng; Zhou, Hancheng; Chen, Nan; Zhang, Qinghua; Deng, Youquan. Recent development in catalytic carbonylation of nitrogen-containing compounds. Huaxue Jinzhan (2004), 16(6), 940-947. 8. Shi, Feng; Zhang, Qinghua; Gu, Yanlong; Deng, Youquan. Silica gel confined ionic liquid+metal complexes for oxygen-free carbonylation of amines and nitrobenzene to ureas. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (2005), 347(2+3), 225-230. 9. Shi, Feng; Zhang, Qinghua; Ma, Yubo; He, Yude; Deng, Youquan. From CO Oxidation to CO2 Activation: An Unexpected Catalytic Activity of Polymer-Supported Nanogold. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127(12), 4182-4183. 10. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Abnormal FT-IR and FTRaman spectra of ionic liquids confined in nano-porous silica gel. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (2005), 62A(1-3), 239-244. 11. Shi, Feng; Zhang, Qinghua; Li, Dongmei; Deng, Youquan. Silica-gel-confined ionic liquids: A new attempt for the development of supported nanoliquid catalysis. Chemistry--A European Journal (2005), 11(18), 5279-5288. 12. Zhang, Qinghua; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Preparation of SiO2-gel supported ionic liquid catalyst and its application in synthesis of N,N'-Disubstituted ureas from amines. Cuihua Xuebao (2004), 25(8), 607-610. 13. Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Zhang, Qinghua; Deng, Youquan. Development of Ionic Liquids as Green Reaction Media and Catalysts. Catalysis Surveys from Asia (2004), 8(3), 179-186. 14. Li, Dongmei; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. One-step C:N, C:O bonds cleavage and C:O, C:N bonds formation over supported ionic liquid in water. Tetrahedron Letters (2004), 45(36), 6791-6794. 15. Ma, Yu-Chun; Shi, Feng; Xiong, Hai; Zhang, Qing-Hua; Deng, You-Quan. Preparation of supported nano-gold catalysts for selective hydrogenation of maleic anhydride. Huaxue Xuebao (2004), 62(13), 1242-1246. 16. Fan, Feng-wen; Deng, You-quan; Shi, Feng. Epoxidation of alkenes over Au catalysts supported by molecular sieves with air. Fenzi Cuihua (2003), 17(6), 465-467. 17. Ma, Yu-chun; Shi, Feng; Deng, You-quan. Preparation of supported nano-gold catalysts for selective oxidation of ethanol to ethyl acetate. Fenzi Cuihua (2003), 17(6), 425-429. 18. Li, Dongmei; Shi, Feng; Peng, Jiajian; Guo, Shu; Deng, Youquan. Application of Functional Ionic Liquids Possessing Two Adjacent Acid Sites for Acetalization of Aldehydes. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2004), 69(10), 3582-3585. 19. Gu, Yan-Long; Shi, Feng; Deng, You-Quan. Room temperature ionic liquid as leaching reagent for separation of the solid mixture of taurine and sodium sulfate. Huaxue Xuebao (2004), 62(5), 532-536. 20. Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Esterification of aliphatic acids with olefin promoted by Bronsted acidic ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (2004), 212(1-2), 71-75. 21. Li, Dongmei; Shi, Feng; Guo, Shu; Deng, Youquan. Highly efficient Beckmann rearrangement and dehydration of oximes. Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(4), 671-674. 22. Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Yang, Hongzhou; Deng, Youquan. Leaching separation of taurine and sodium sulfate solid mixture using ionic liquids. Separation and Purification Technology (2004), 35(2), 153-159. 23. Li, Dongmei; Shi, Feng; Guo, Shu; Deng, Youquan. One-pot synthesis of silica gel-confined functional ionic liquids. Effective catalysts for deoximation under mild conditions. Tetrahedron Letters (2004), 45(2), 265-268. 24. Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. SO3H-functionalized ionic liquid as efficient, green and reusable acidic catalyst system for oligomerization of olefins. Catalysis Communications (2003), 4(11), 597-601 25. Ma, Yuchun; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Advances in gold catalysts and their application in organic reactions. Huaxue Jinzhan (2003), 15(5), 385-392. 26. Shi, Feng; Peng, Jiajian; Deng, Youquan. Highly efficient ionic liquid-mediated palladium complex catalyst system for the oxidative carbonylation of amines. Journal of Catalysis (2003), 219(2), 372-375. 27. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Preparation and characterization of polymer immobilized nano-Au catalysts for oxidative carbonylation of aniline and its derivatives. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (2003), 145(Science and Technology in Catalysis 2002), 193-196. 28. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan; SiMa, Tianlong; Peng, Jiajian; Gu, Yanlong; Qiao, Botao. Alternatives to phosgene and carbon monoxide: Synthesis of symmetric urea derivatives with carbon dioxide in ionic liquids. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2003), 42(28), 3257-3260. 29. Shi, Feng; Xiong, Hai; Gu, Yanlong; Guo, Shu; Deng, Youquan. The first non-acid catalytic synthesis of tert-butyl ether from tert-butyl alcohol using ionic liquid as dehydrator. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2003), (9), 1054-1055. 30. Peng, Jiajian; Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Deng, Youquan. Highly selective and green aqueous-ionic liquid biphasic hydroxylation of benzene to phenol with hydrogen peroxide. Green Chemistry (2003), 5(2), 224-226. 31. Xi, Yaming; Xi, Yarong; Sun, Yanqing; Du, Lanning; Liu, Zhaochen; Shi, Feng. Experimental studies of the effects of Liang Jin mushroom polysaccharide on hematopoietic function and its mechanism in radiation-injured mice. Zhonghua Fangshe Yixue Yu Fanghu Zazhi (2002), 22(4), 291-293. 32. Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Ionic liquid as an efficient promoting medium for fixation of CO2: Clean synthesis of ?-methylene cyclic carbonates from CO2 and propargyl alcohols catalyzed by metal salts under mild conditions. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2004), 69(2), 391-394. C 33. Yang, Hongzhou; Gu, Yanlong; Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng. Electrochemical activation of carbon dioxide in ionic liquids: synthesis of cyclic carbonates under mild reaction conditions. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2002), (3), 274-275. 34. Sima, Tianlong; Guo, Shu; Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. The syntheses of carbamates from reactions of primary and secondary aliphatic amines with dimethyl carbonate in ionic liquids. Tetrahedron Letters (2002), 43(45), 8145-8147. 35. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. Polymer-Immobilized Gold Catalysts for the Efficient and Clean Syntheses of Carbamates and Symmetrical Ureas by Oxidative Carbonylation of Aniline and Its Derivatives. Journal of Catalysis (2002), 211(2), 548-551. 36. Shi, Feng; Ma, Yu-Chun; Zhou, Han-Cheng; Deng, You-Quan. Preparation of TiOy-SiOx immobilized Pd-BMImCl catalysts and their application in carbonylation of amines. Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2002), 23(9), 1781-1783. 37. Shi, Feng; Zhou, Han-cheng; Ma, Yu-chun; Deng, You-quan. Oxidative carbonylation of aniline with Pd complex-ionic liquid catalyst system. Huaxue Xuebao (2002), 60(8), 1517-1519. 38. Sima, Tian-Long; Shi, Feng; Deng, You-Quan. Carbonylation of amines catalyzed by organic gold complexes to synthesize carbamates and formamide. Fenzi Cuihua (2001), 15(6), 435-437. 39. Yang, Hong-zhou; Deng, You-quan; Shi, Feng; Sima, Tian-long. Direct synthesis of isocyanates by electrocatalytic carbonylation of amines at atmospheric pressure. Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2001), 22(11), 1913-1915 40. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan; SiMa, Tianlong; Yang, Hongzhou. A Novel PdCl2/ZrO2-SO42- Catalyst for Synthesis of Carbamates by Oxidative Carbonylation of Amines. Journal of Catalysis (2001), 203(2), 525-528. 41. Yang, Hongzhou; Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng. Synthesis of dialkylureas by electrocatalytical carbonylation of aliphatic amines under mild conditions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (2001), 176(1-2), 73-78. 42. Sima, Tian-long; Shi, Feng; Deng, You-quan. New catalyst for synthesis of dialkylureas from amines by oxidative carbonylation. Fenzi Cuihua (2001), 15(3), 225-227. 43. Shi, Feng; Deng, You-Quan; Gong, Cheng-Ke; Sima, Tian-Long; Yang, Hong-Zhou. Synthesis of symmetric ureas by oxidative carbonylation of amines over resin-immobilized gold. Huaxue Xuebao (2001), 59(8), 1330-1334. 44. Shi, Feng; Deng, You-Quan; Sima, Tian-Long; Gong, Cheng-Ke. Oxidative carbonylation of aniline and its derivatives in the presence of resin-supported gold. Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2001), 22(7), 1219-1221. 45. Shi, Feng; Deng, You-quan. synthesis of alkylformamide catalyzed by organic Au(I) complexes. Huaxue Xuebao (2001), 59(6), 979-981. 46. Shi, Feng; Deng, You-quan; Sima, Tian-long; Gong, Cheng-ke. Organic gold complexes in catalytic oxidative carbonylation preparation of alkoxycarbonylamines. Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2001), 22(4), 645-647. 47. Shi, F.; Deng, Y.; SiMa, T.; Yang, H. A novel ZrO2-SO42--supported palladium catalyst for syntheses of disubstituted ureas from amines by oxidative carbonylation. Tetrahedron Letters (2001), 42(11), 2161-2163. 48. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan. First gold(I) complex-catalyzed oxidative carbonylation of amines for the syntheses of carbamates. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2001), (5), 443-444. 49. Shi, Feng; Deng, Youquan; Yang, Hongzhou; SiMa, Tianlong. The first syntheses of diformamides by carbonylation of aliphatic diamines with Au(I) complex catalysts. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2001), (4), 345-346. 50. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Beng, Jiajian; Qiao, Kun. Ionic liquid as a green catalytic reaction medium for esterifications. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (2001), 165(1-2), 33-36. 51. Shi, Feng; Sima, Tian-Long; Deng, You-Quan. Novel PdCl2(RuCl3)/ZrO2-SO3 catalysts for synthesis of carbamates by oxidative carbonylation of amines. Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2000), 21(10), 1566-1568. Patents: 1. Deng, Youquan; Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Zhou, Hancheng. Method of esterification organic acid with alkene. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2005), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1600773 A 20050330 AN 2005:1231616 2. Deng, Youquan; Li, Dongmei; Shi, Feng; Guo, Shu. Method for preparing acetals or ketals. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2005), 8 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1600768 A 20050330 AN 2005:1231592 3. Deng, Youquan; Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Zhou, Hancheng. Method for synthesizing ether from olefin and alcohol. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2005), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1600767 A 20050330 AN 2005:1231586 4. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Li, Dongmei; Gu, Yanlong; Zhang, Qinghua. Nanometer ion liquid catalyst,its preparation method and application. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2005), 11 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1600429 A 20050330 AN 2005:1230652 5. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Peng, Jiajian; Gu, Yanlong; Zhou, Hancheng. Method for preparing N,N'-disubstituted ureas by the reaction of amines with CO2 using ionic liquids as solvent. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1424310 A 20030618 CAN 143:77709 AN 2005:505026 6. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Tang, Aihua; Peng, Jiajian. Method for preparing carbamates by the reaction of amines with dimethyl carbonate in ionic liquids. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1424309 A 20030618 CAN 143:77708 AN 2005:505025 7. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Xiong, Hai; Gu, Yanlong; Guo, Shu. Preparation of methyl tert-butyl ether by reaction of methanol and tert-butanol. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1454884 A 20031112 CAN 142:429929 AN 2005:227291 8. Deng, Youquan; Xiong, Hai; Shi, Feng. Liquid-phase selective oxidation catalyst and its preparation process and application. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1454712 A 20031112 CAN 142:488273 AN 2005:227249 9. Deng, Youquan; Gu, Yanlong; Shi, Feng; Yang, Hongzhou; Guo, Shu; Peng, Jiajian; Qiao, Kun. Method for separation of taurine and sodium sulfate. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1403443 A 20030319 CAN 142:177120 AN 2004:595574 10. Deng, Youquan; Miu, Shaojun; Shi, Feng. Catalyst for completely oxidizing combustible gas. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2003), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1401429 A 20030312 CAN 141:371156 AN 2004:540078 11. Deng, Youquan; Peng, Jiajian; Shi, Feng. Preparation of phenol by direct hydroxylation of benzene. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2002), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1385410 A 20021218 CAN 140:357054 AN 2003:841680 12. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Peng, Jiajian. Catalytic carbonylation process for synthesizing amides. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2002), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1343653 A 20020410 CAN 138:385070 AN 2003:438912 13. Deng, Youquan; Peng, Jiajian; Shi, Feng. Process for synthesizing cyclic carbonates. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2002), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1343668 A 20020410 CAN 138:385417 AN 2003:431740 14. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng. Preparation of urea derivatives by oxidative carbonylation of amines. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2001), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1327977 A 20011226 CAN 138:153330 AN 2003:155902 15. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng. Process for preparing N-phenylcarbamates by oxidative carbonylation. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2001), 7 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1304928 A 20010725 CAN 137:93609 AN 2002:564963 16. Deng, Youquan; Qiao, Kun; Peng, Jiajian; Shi, Feng. Preparation of 1-phenyl-1-xylylethane and its derivative. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2001), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1292372 A 20010425 CAN 135:303664 AN 2001:801724 17. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Gu, Yanlong; Peng, Jiajian. Process for reducing olefin and benzene contents in gasoline. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2001), 9 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1284540 A 20010221 CAN 135:229145 AN 2001:716516 18. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Miao, Shaojun. Method for preparing urea derivatives by catalytic oxidation carbonylation of amine. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2000), 5 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1277959 A 20001227 CAN 135:107151 AN 2001:555318 19. Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng; Ma, Zufu; Peng, Jiajian. Clean catalytic esterification of carboxylic acids with alcohols. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2000), 6 pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN 1247856 A 20000322 CAN 133:335026 AN 2000:827503 (XYS20051210) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇