◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇   复旦朱洪教授的剽窃问题   作者:老专家   最近听国内朋友讲起复旦的贪污剽窃问题,还有很多,揭露的院士也不处理, 受处罚导师和研究生觉得不公,谁不在抄,不会抄,不抄不骗不能得大钱大项目 大成果,国内计算机抄手泛滥,抄法创新,真假文章申请书不能看,顾宁教授抄 出名,朱洪教授也在抄,他发表在“24th International conference on distributed computing systems ”上的文章“Nash equilibria in parallel downloading with multiple clients”,多处抄袭同行文章,如 (a). Rodriguez 等人“Dynamic parallel access to replicated content in the internet”。 (b). Koo等人,“Analysis of parallel downloading for large file distribution”。(c). Czumaj, “ Selfish routing on the Internet”。(d). Mavronicolas 等人,“The price of selfish routing”。 举几例 (还有很多):   1. 朱文:“With the wide deployment of content distribution networks (CDNs) and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, parallel downloading is expected to become more and more popular.”抄 b 文:“With the wide deployment of content distribution networks(CDNs) and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, PD is expected to be more commonly adopted for file distribution”   2. 朱文: “In large-scale communication networks, it is usually impossible to globally management the entire networks.” 抄 c 文: “In large-scale communication networks, like the Internet, it is usually impossible to globally manage network traffic.”   3. 朱文:The questions of existence, uniqueness, stability, and efficiency of Nash equilibria for non-cooperative routing have been studied over various networking settings.” 抄 d 文:“The questions of existence, uniqueness, efficiency and computation of Nash equilibria for selfish (noncooperative) routing have been investigated over various settings in the net-working literature”   4. 朱文:“Since a client typically issues several requests to the same server during the download of a file, TCP persistent connections are used between the client and every server to minimize the overhead of opening multiple TCP connections.”抄 a 文: “Since a client typically issues several requests to the same server during the download of a document, TCP-persistent connections are used between the client and every server to minimize the overhead of opening multiple TCP connections.” (XYS20080531) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇