◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇ 黄铭洪论文发表的真实情况 作者:烂柯山下一棵草   看了tony的《关于firephenix_hk对香港浸会大学黄主任的崇拜》,我觉得 完全是在指桑骂槐,tony对黄铭洪教授SCI论文的恶意评价,尤其是“估计是因 为其他的因为是垃圾的杂志(可能就是自己作主编的那个)而不太好意思放(原 文)”,我觉得实在是太过份了。虽然tony说是“估计”,还加了“可能”诸如 此类的字眼,最后还要来一句“请勿介意”,但其目的是显而易见的。新语丝是 以学术打假的著名网站和前沿阵地,对于任何假学术伪科学,就应该与方舟子们 一起痛打落水狗,绝不姑息养奸。但是,也应该防止别有用心的人,利用新语丝 为工具对他人进行恶意诽谤和人身攻击。在没有确凿证据的情况下,刊登tony的 文章我觉得对黄教授是不公平的。如果其他人也象tony一样,对自己“看不惯” 或有利益冲突的人来一番恶意的“估计”,然后还要来一句虚伪的“请勿介意”, 以示清高。我是黄教授的“徒子徒孙”之一(谁都能从tony的话中听出其中的贬 义成分),和黄教授一样很喜欢新语丝,每期必看,而且有好的文章还传给国内 的朋友分享,因为他们在国内看不到新语丝。但是类似tony这样的“恶意臆测性” 文章,实在是让人感到一阵心寒。虽然黄教授对tony的话不以为意,但我还是将 黄教授2005年的文章情况收集了一下,让方舟子先生和各位读者做个评判。黄教 授2005年以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文18篇,其他11篇,其中3篇是发在他 自己任主编的Environmental Geochemistry and Health。表明in press论文都 是已经被杂志社接受了的,有杂志社的信函为证。(firephenix说黄教授的SCI 论文总数是250篇并不正确,其实是273篇)   另外,关于Impact Factor的问题,希望能有专家给个说明,不同研究领域 的SCI杂志为什么会有这么大的差异,象我们做环境类的,高层次的好象也就只 有3点几(如ES&T)。那么在tony们的眼里绝大多数的环境科学论文岂不都是垃 圾一文不明了?如果是真的,那我们搞环保的岂不是投错了胎,命中注定只能发 发“低质量的”垃圾文章了?希望方舟子先生(或其他专家)能给个说法。 1. Shu WS, ZH Ye, ZQ Zhang, CY Lan and MH Wong* (2005). Natural colonization of plants on five lead/zinc mine tailings in Southern China. Restor. Ecol. 13: 49-60. 2. Yu XZ, JM Cheng and MH Wong* (2005). Earthworm-mycorrhizae interaction on Cd uptake and growth of ryegrass. Soil Biol. Biochem. 37:195-201. 3. Kong KY, KC Cheung, CKC Wong and MH Wong* (2005). The residual dynamic of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in fishponds of the Pearl River Delta, South China. Water Res. 39: 1831-1843. 4. Lai KP, MH Wong, CKC Wong (2005). Modulation of AhR-mediated CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD activities by 17β-estradiol and dexamethasone in TCDD-induced H411E cells. Toxicol. Sci. 78: 41-49. 5. Ma Y, NM Dickinson and MH Wong* (2005). Phytoremediation of Pb/Zn mine spoils: earthworm-enhanced metal uptake by Brassica juncea (Indian Mustard). Biol. Fert. Soils (in press). 6. Shu WS, ZH Ye, ZQ Zhang, CY Lan and MH Wong* (2005). Natural colonization of plants on five lead/zinc mine tailings in Southern China. Restor. Ecol. 13: 49-60. 7. Wu SC, ZH Cao, ZG Li, KC Cheung and MH Wong* (2005). Effects of biofertilizer containing N-fixer, P and K solubilizers and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on crop growth. Geoderma 125: 155-166. 8. Wong MH*, AOW Leung, JKY Chan and MPK Choi (2005). A review on the usage of POP pesticides in China, with emphasis on DDT loadings in human milk. Chemosphere 60: 740-752. 9. Poon BHT, CKM Leung, CKC Wong and MH Wong* (2005). Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in human adipose tissue and breast milk collected in Hong Kong. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 49: 274-282. 10. Wang D, Z Cai, G Jiang, A Leung, MH Wong and WK Wong (2005). Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil and sediment from an electronic waste recycling facility. Chemosphere 60: 810-816. 11. Wang D, Z Cai, G Jiang, MH Wong and WK Wong (2005). Gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry applied for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil. Rapid Com. Mass. Spect. 19: 83-89. 12. Lai KP, MH Wong and CKC Wong (2005). Inhibition of CYP450scc expression in dioxin-exposed rat Leydig cells. J. Endocrin. 185: 519-527. 13. Lai KP, MH Wong and CKC Wong (2005). Effects of TCDD in modulating the expression of Sertoli cell secretory products and markers for cell-cell interaction. Toxicol. 206: 111-123. 14. Chiu KK, ZH Ye and MH Wong* (2005). Enhanced uptake of As, Zn and Cu by Vetiveria zizanioides and Zea mays using chelating agents. Chemosphere 60: 1365-1375. 15. Chiu KK, ZH Ye and MH Wong* (2005). Growth of Vetiveria zizanioides and Phragmities australis on Pb/Zn and Cu mine tailings amended with manure compost and sewage sludge: a greenhouse study. Bioresource Tech. (in press). Available on line 2 Sept 05. 16. Wu SC, KC Cheung, YM Luo and MH Wong* (2005). Effects of an inoculum of plant growth promoting Rhizobacters (PGPRs) on metal uptake by Brassica juncea. Environ. Pollut. (in press). Available on line 7 Sept 2005. 17. Ma Y, NM Dickinson and MH Wong* (2005). Effects of AM and soil microbial inocula on establishment of Leucaena leucocephala on Pb/Zn mine tailings. Soil Biol. Biochem. (in press). 18. Yu H, WS Feng, ZH Ye and MH Wong (2005). Use of microbial community to evaluate performance of a wetland system in treating Pb/Zn mine drainage. Environ. Manage. 35: 1-8. 19. Leung HM, ZH Ye and MH Wong* (2005). Interactions of mycorrhizal fungi with Pteris vittata (As hyperaccumulator) in As-contaminated soils (in press). Available online 20 July 2005. 20. Deng H, ZH Ye and MH Wong* (2005). Lead and zinc accumulation and tolerance in populations of six wetland plants. Environ. Pollut. (in press). 21. Sun Q, ZH Ye, XR Wang and MH Wong* (2005). Increase of glutathione in mine population of Sedium alfredii: A Zn hyperaccumulator and Pb accumulator. Phytochem. (in press). 22. Zhang HB, YM Luo, MH Wong*, QG Zhao and GL Zhang (2005). Distribution and concentrations of PAHs in Hong Kong soils. Environ. Pollut. (in press). 23. Cheung, KC and MH Wong (2005). Risk assessment of heavy metal contamination I shrimp farming in Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong. Environ. Geochem. Health. (in press). 24. Leung A, ZW Cai and MH Wong* (2005). Environmental contamination from electronic-waste recycling at Guiyu, Southeast China. J. Material Cycles Waste Manage. (in press). 25. Nie XP, CY Lan, TC An, KB Li and MH Wong* (2005). Distributions and congener patterns of PCBs in fish from major aquaculture areas of the Pearl River Delta, South China. Human Ecol. Assess. (in press). 26. Chu WK, MH Wong and J Zhang (2005). Accumulation, distribution and transformation of DDT and PCBs by Phragmites australis and Oryza sativa. I. Whole plant study. Environ. Geochem. Health (in press). 27. Chu WK, MH Wong and J Zhang (2005). Accumulation, distribution and transformation of DDT and PCBs by Phragmites australis and Oryza sativa. II. Enzyme study. Environ. Geochem. Health (in press). 28. Deng DM, WS Shu, J Zhang, HL Zou, Z Li, ZH Ye and MH Wong (2005). Zinc and cadmium tolerance, accumulation and distribution in three populations of Sedum alfredii. Environ. Pollut. (in press). 29. Wang HB, ZH Ye, WS Shu WS, MH Wong and CY Lan (2005). Arsenic uptake and accumulation in fern species growing at arsenic-contaminated sites of southern China: Field surveys. Int. J. Phytorem. (in press). (XYS20050929) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇