◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 胞然学的文章还有遗漏 作者:artichaut 今天有同学来访,聊到大陆CNS牛人这个话题.偶同学想到一个人,叫何志刚,现在 哈佛做assistant professor.何博士偶也知道的,他是南医的本科,U of Toronto 的Ph.D.何博士04年回南医做过讲座,偶还去听过.偶同学说他读过何博士的 Nature文章,还不止一篇.而且何博士最近还发了篇 Science. 偶查了一下,列于後. 在偶去听的那个讲座里,何博士有番话偶印象比较深刻.当时有人问他,哈佛的学 生用不用功,他抬腕看了看表--当时大概是北京时间下午三点多--说,现在打电话 回他实验室,一定有人. 加上其他网友的几篇补遗,胞然学的考据文章,竟出现这么多遗漏,令人遗憾.偶甚 至相信,应该还有遗漏. 何博士的网页: http://hmsstage.med.harvard.edu/dms/neuroscience/fac_neuroscience/fac_ hezhigang.html 1.Vuk Koprivica, Kin-Sang Cho, Jong Bae Park, Glenn Yiu, Jasvinder Atwal, Bryan Gore, Jieun A. Kim, Estelle Lin, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Dong Feng Chen, and Zhigang He EGFR Activation Mediates Inhibition of Axon Regeneration by Myelin and Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans. Science 7 October 2005 310: 106-110. 2.Wang KC, Koprivica V, Kim JA, Sivasankaran R, Guo Y, Neve RL, He Z. (2002). Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein is a Nogo receptor ligand that inhibits neurite outgrowth. Nature 417, 941-944. 3.Wang KC, Kim JA, Sivasankaran R, Segal R, He Z. (2002). P75 interacts with the Nogo receptor as a co-receptor for Nogo, MAG and OMgp. Nature Nov 7;420:74-78. (XYS20060201) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇