◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇ 在诺贝尔颁奖宴会上的致辞 2002年诺贝尔生理与医学奖获得者西德尼·布伦纳 2002年12月10日 市政大厅,斯德哥尔摩 (瑞典中国学人根据实况转播记录,方舟子整理英文记录并翻译) 我能用的最好表述方式是告诉大家我收到的一封信。诺贝尔奖获得者会收到很 多信,这一封来自一位身在中国的学生,他说: 亲爱的西德尼·布伦纳博士,我也想得一个诺贝尔奖!请告诉我如何去做呢? 因此我一直在考虑给个答复,虽然还未写好,但是它将会是这样的: 亲爱的中国学生: 首先你必须选择好一个合适的工作地点,并且必须找到有人慷慨地资助你的工 作。例如,你可以试试剑桥(布伦纳本人工作过的地方)和英国医学研究委员 会(赞助布伦纳工作的机构)。然后你还必须发现合适的动物来研究,例如你 可以试试一种虫子,一种可能名叫线虫的虫子(布伦纳本人研究的动物)。然 后,你还需要选择优秀的同事,那些愿意参加你必须做的艰苦工作的人。他们 可以有像约翰·苏尔斯顿和罗伯特·霍维茨这样的名字(两人和布伦纳一起获 奖)。当然你还必须确信他们会找到其他同事和学生来协助面临的艰苦工作。 最后,也是最重要的,你必须选择合适的诺贝尔奖委员会。它必须是开明和非 常有眼力的,而且必须有一位其裁决绝对不可置疑的优秀主席!如果你做到了 这一点,你就会被带到这种地步,能够代表你所有的同事,感谢每一位让你有 机会在此出席并发表讲话的人士。 Sydney Brenner speech 2002-12-10 City Hall, Stockholm The best way I can say is to tell you the letter I received. The Nobel winners get a lot of letters. This is from a student in China, and he said: Dear Dr. Sydney Brenner , I wish also to win a Nobel Prize ! Please tell me how to do it. So, I have been considering a reply and although I haven't finished, this is what it will be: Dear Chinese students: First you must choose the right place to work and you must find someone who is a generous sponsor for your work. For example you can try the Cambridge and the Medical Research Council. Then you have to discover the right animal to work on, for example you can try a worm, a worm possibly named like C. elegans. Then you need choose excellent colleagues who are willing to join you in the hard work you need to do. They could have names like John Sulston, Robert Horvitz. And of course you must make sure that they can find other colleagues and students to help them in the hard work that lie ahead. Finally, this is the most important, you must select the right Nobel Committee. It must be enlightened, and very appreciative, and must have an excellent Chairman whose deliverance is totally unquestioned! And if you do this, you can be brought to this point where on behalf of all your colleages, you can thank everybody for the opportunity to present here and make the speech! ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇