

送交者: 火格Meshfire 于 2005-2-14, 20:19:25:

回答: 不能用防火墙block掉吗? 由 verygood 于 2005-2-13, 08:43:32:

but Microsoft has a Windows firewall, I am not sure it can further check your installed software's behavior:

(below: copied from Windows desktop help)

What is Windows Firewall?A firewall helps to keep your computer more secure. It restricts information that comes to your computer from other computers, giving you more control over the data on your computer and providing a line of defense against people or programs (including viruses and worms) that try to connect to your computer without invitation.

You can think of a firewall as a barrier that checks information (often called traffic) coming from the Internet or a network and then either turns it away or allows it to pass through to your computer, depending on your firewall settings. See the following illustration:

In Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Firewall is turned on by default. (However, some computer manufacturers and network administrators might turn it off.) You do not have to use Windows Firewall—you can install and run any firewall that you choose. Evaluate the features of other firewalls and then decide which firewall best meets your needs. If you choose to install and run another firewall, turn off Windows Firewall.

How does it work?
When someone on the Internet or a network tries to connect to your computer, we call that attempt an "unsolicited request." When your computer gets an unsolicited request, Windows Firewall blocks the connection. If you run a program such as an instant messaging program or a multiplayer network game that needs to receive information from the Internet or a network, the firewall asks if you want to block or unblock (allow) the connection. If you choose to unblock the connection, Windows Firewall creates an exception so that the firewall won't bother you when that program needs to receive information in the future.

For example, if you are exchanging instant messages with someone who wants to send you a file (a photo, for example), Windows Firewall will ask you if you want to unblock the connection and allow the photo to reach your computer. Or, if you want to play a multiplayer network game with friends over the Internet, you can add the game as an exception so that the firewall will allow the game information to reach your computer.

Although you can turn off Windows Firewall for specific Internet and network connections, doing this increases the risk that the security of your computer might be compromised.



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