that's conclusion driven from your way of thinking.


送交者: steven 于 2005-2-28, 15:57:58:

回答: 因为没机器不上网自己的利益自己的发言权都被别人"代表"了都不知道,这叫 由 fagus 于 2005-2-28, 15:09:13:

Beside, they could always march down the street if they like with or without computers. When Martin Luther King marched to D.C, and declared his dream to the fellow Americans, most of the people hadn't even heard about computer. When Dr. Sun and his fellow revolutionists published newspaper calling for revolution against Manchurian monarchs, there was no computer. What make you so delusionally believe in a old piece of junk could change the world? It won't, never. Regardless what you futilely tring to do. That fact is, chip manufactors are marching down making faster, better chips,OS vendors including Linux will make a more complicated OS with more functionalities which demand more from the hardware. As for P100, or things like that will end up in recycle bin, before you can distribute to all the "poor." Just like a couple hundred years ago, Britian had a law that train should not pass anyone who was carrying a red flag on the track., but it didn't stop the steam engin makers to make faster train. Carrying your red flag won't stop the world from moving, not matter how hard your try.

Of course, I certainly don't mind to donate my old computer. In fact, that's exactly what I am going to do: donate my P100 with 1G disk, and 128M of ram, now runnin Linux as my printer server. In fact, I would donate my laser printer too. Because I'm gonna buy a network capable color laser printer very soon.



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