送交者: multithreaded 于 2005-4-01, 11:31:12:
回答: FYI: 对中国系统软件的思考(2)--给华为任正非和其他业务线领导同志的一封信((上) 由 osfab 于 2005-3-24, 12:08:27:
I agree with the author on the rest of analysis except for this one:
This SOC is very challenging engineering effort. However I don't think its complexity has nothing to do with IOX.
In general data plane code runs directly on the target. This is the fact to all NPUs I know (Intel IXP, Motorola C5, IBM etc.). In SSP it should run on top of 192 tensilica CPU. There is no RTOS type of SW running on these CPUs.
Even though I don't know how those NPUs are utilized, I beileve it is used in a PIPELINED mode. For example each cluster is for each application pipeline stage. In a word, pipeling is the key to high-performance in networking industry. The size of pipeline stage can be veried according to application needs.
Last but not the least important SSP seems only doing packet processing job, which is a relative easier one compared to other jobs done by the ASIC such as queueing and traffic management.
在HFR系统中,一个很重要的部件是一个新的ROUTING CHIP。这个芯片是非常有意思
的。一个有192个CPU CORE在一个DIE上。
* NPU: From Tensilica Inc. www.tensilica.com
* Every 12 NPU being a Cluster.
* Every NPU with own L1 cache; A cluster shares L2.
* Total 16 Clusters /* 16*12 = 192 NPU */
* Packets are distributed into clusters.
* Two Extra Processor Core: One for Mgt; One for Debug
* Fabric: IBM .13
* Software Arch: Non pipeline based:-)
* Programming Approach: C/C++