送交者: AA 于 2005-4-10, 20:36:10:
回答: the concept of parallel didn't fail as you said. 由 steven 于 2005-4-10, 03:24:56:
from single processor to SMP; and the uniprocessor in SMP goes to SMT processor, and then to dual-core processor, and to chip multiprocessor, where multiple cores or more sit in one processor, and multiple of them sit in one SMP box. This means the shared-memory programming model is getting popular in parallel computing community, though still lags much behind message passing in high performance applications. With threaded applications prevailing in desktop and servers, parallel computing will be not very difficult and actually getting dominant soon. (At the same time, compiler and OS are taking the similar idea to support more on threads than processes.)
So far I can't see any real thing in so-called grid computing, where Meshfire makes his business. Mostly it's simply machine managment across a wide area. Well anyway, as Meshfire said, it's only a buzzword to tag your business.