送交者: AA 于 2006-3-09, 23:28:37:
CSP (Hoare) is a good model, but why I heard little about it's real applications? Some people told me his company used CSP-like model for server application and got incredible scalability and maintainability, but I want to know if there are any public/general applications that can benefit from CSP. Is it because it's too advanced like LISP? For example, is there any hope to use CSP for transaction processing system to use CSP?
So far looks like only some European universities are still stick to CSP (see WoTUG.org web). I had some experience with Occam and Transputer more than a decade ago when I had no idea about CSP's nature. Now I feel with more and more cores put into the system, it might be a good idea to retrospect on our threading models.
Comments? Thanks.