[17]willi 2013-6-30 23:05
In1953 Albert Einstein wrote the following in a letter to J. E. Switzer:
The development of Western Science has been based on twogreat achievements, the invention of the formal logical system (in Euclideangeometry) by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility offinding out causal relationships by systematic experiment (at the Renaissance).In my opinion one need not be astonished that the Chinese sages did not makethese steps. The astonishing thing is that these discoveries were made at all.1
Whilethe last sentence is true, the general claim does not adequately acknowledgethe successes and significance of Chinese science.
我是于国杰. 我对西文与西方人的理解比较深透,我在28岁到33岁基本上同德国的老头子们在一起,是每天都在一起,有时候就睡在一起!
比如,在Einstein的信中一共三句话,必须将第一句的时态明确,是到现在的两个伟大的成就(其一是发明XXXX, 另外一个是发现XXX)。 中国圣人的发现Discoveries是复数,而前面已经定义了那是两个伟大的成就 = 一个发明+一个发现。 这是名词上不能被混淆的!
其实,无论大家翻译的对错都是可以理解的,我不理解的是——你们为什么总是将所有的句子、名词、动词放到一起来“瞎蒙”! 而不是将名词、动词作为基本因素来分析,这是最关键的!!!