送交者: steven 于 2005-6-10, 15:51:52:
回答: it is because the cheap licensing fee. 由 steven 于 2005-6-10, 15:26:51:
Design a CPU is not the hardest part. To me the way 龙芯 is: first to come up with a CPU design and fab a prototype, then annoucing it is a success. Intel, Motorola/FreeScale, IBM, TI, Toshiba, NEC all these chip makers have done something before developing a chip to do market research, then find alliance including software and hardware; then design the chip and the process/technology for mass production. At the mean time, alliances start their development for applications and then when the chip is available, integration and deliver the product to customers.
I don't see 龙芯 is doing that at all. They said they are aiming at set-top boxes, set-top boxes don't usually use high end chip like P-4. There really isn't an alliance in terms of developing the end product. As for the mass production, Intel's success is not the chip design, but mass production with high yield. Without it, the cost of the chip will be very high. I don't see how China can achive that. This takes years. S. Korea and Taiwan spends 20 years to make it as ASIC and dram chip makers, if China has the capability, we should see those thing coming out of China, and we don't. The bottomline is, making 龙芯 with a lot of investment, but it will not meet the espection. By the time 龙芯 is ready for the current market, it will have long gone.