送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-17, 13:21:03:
回答: 中国的法律还有尊严吗? 由 自如 于 2005-6-17, 11:44:43:
Your 舅妈 bribed the judge. She's as guilty as the judge. Are you angry because your 舅妈 had to bribe or because Your 舅妈 is short changed?! Would you be less angry if Your 舅妈 had been compensated more than the medical cost?
It sounds like an accident isn't it? I don't know whether the law helds the bus company completely liable for an accident like this. If not why your 舅妈 deserve the compensation? I am not saying it is a good thing that the bus company doesn't compensate. But when you talk "法律尊严" I suggest your 舅妈 to respect the law to begin with.