So is it rigged?


送交者: silxirt 于 2024-01-16, 09:20:42:

回答: 真是令我热泪盈眶的时刻 由 我是西尔斯 于 2024-01-16, 00:52:16:

I find it puzzling that individuals like you, who have received formal education and training in logical thinking, hold such beliefs. Whether you identify with MAGA or view it as a cult, there is a strong conviction that the last presidential election was stolen, echoing the sentiments of your "god" who claimed it was rigged.

Despite efforts to address these concerns, there has been no resolution. Legal channels were utilized to challenge the alleged corruption in the election process. However, due to what is perceived as interference by the deep state and the Biden administration, none of the accusations filed by Trump's legal teams were accepted by the courts. This was not due to a lack of evidence, as supporters assert, but rather a reflection of a system that is considered corrupt, controlled, and unreliable.

Given this perception of the system, one might question the rationale behind continued participation in the electoral process. However, the answer lies in a paradox: while individuals may outwardly criticize and condemn the system, there is an underlying belief, whether conscious or subconscious, that it still functions as intended. This internal conflict, though not always consciously recognized, is evident in both the uneducated and the educated who knowingly engage in it.

In a succinct statement, the leader of this movement captures the essence of this mindset: "If lost, it must be rigged."



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