That is the polished version, my "crappy" original is like this:


送交者: silxirt 于 2024-01-16, 09:25:02:

回答: So is it rigged? 由 silxirt 于 2024-01-16, 09:20:42:

I don’t understand people like you who actually got educated with regular training in logical thinking.

MAGA or the cult, whichever you like to call yourself, strongly believe that the last election was stolen, or as what your “god” said: rigged.

Has there been any fix? NO.

Legal channels were used to challenge the corrupted election process, but because of the deep state and illegal control by the Biden administration, no court even accepted any of those accusations filed by Trump’s legal teams (not because of ZERO evidence, of course).

So it is a system that is corrupted, controlled and manipulated, not trustworthy at all, proven to be biased and unreliable.

Why keep going out to vote?

What is the logic?

Because deep in their mind, consciously or not, they know the system is working, and they trust it is working, that is why they curse and damn it, but still are participating.

This split mind and logic can be easily explained, though may not be consciously realized by the uneducated and knowingly committed by the educated:

Simple wordily explained by the head of the cult: If lost, it must be rigged.



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