Mingpao on china's agriculture


送交者: kma 于 2024-06-24, 14:50:48:

回答: 转基因固氮植物 由 silxirt 于 2024-06-23, 18:42:43:



the good thing is ccp and xi know the crucial role of agriculture. china can't rely on other nations on this issue, that's a no brainer. it's not just national interest, it's also for being a responsible world player.

china is leader on indoor/hi-rise agriculture, the hubei pig indoor farm got nytimes attention. but the most crucial is to get staple food grown indoors. obviously at this moment it's just fantasy.

transgenic seeds are absolutely necessary.

then artificial CO2 fixation (mimicking photosynthesis), ccs is the stupidest idea i heard, spend so much resources just to put co2 back to ground? ridiculous, better fix it into all kinds of carbohydrates for use.

as one can easily see, none is doable now, not eaven 50 years later, but humna beings have to do it, we need STEW talents to take the challenge, hopefully china can be a big contributor.



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