Genetics explains almost everything.


送交者: asker 于 2020-02-13, 07:46:17:

回答: 言论自由 由 qtl 于 2020-02-13, 04:19:44:

United States of Mexico was built with the romantic vision of another USA, with everything in political system copied from USA.

Same applies to Philippines. It was a US colony and copied the US political system, language, religion n many other things.

India is another good example to refute the simplistic fancy of "a good system is everything."

There is an exact correspondence between US decline in power and decrease of the white (non-Hispanic) population. That's why you have Trump now. He is hated by many but he is correct on this most important issue. This alone ensures his next term.

The genetic resources of the Chinese are something around that of Latin Americans, but definitely below that of Eastern Europeans. Do not expect too much. Any reasonably decent device needs appropriate hardware support.



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