At last we have some agreement in certain issues this time


送交者: boxer 于 2005-6-22, 16:00:48:

回答: Hey did I mention "principle"? 由 skipper3 于 2005-6-22, 15:18:08:

If a judge recieves a bribery, he should be punished -out of the game for ever. This is an ideal situation.

If the judge always receive and asks for bribery, and he is never out of the game. This is the reality. Suppose you happen to be one of the defendant or pliantiff. He gave you a hint for bribery again, what will you do? Do you think this system is right? If you think the system is not right. Can you at least complain it?

Let us go back to our ideal situations.

If both the defendant and the plaintiff bribed the judge. In the ideal situation, all of them, including the jude, should be out. Then, no justice for anyone, and the criminal is not published at all. Is this kind of justice a real justic? I do not think so. Does this mean we should stop justice in this situation? I do not think so.

The best way is 就事论事. There are two cases for 自如's aunt in ideal situation. 1). She should get justice from the judge as a victim in the accident. 2). Both the judge and her aunt should be punished for the bribery involved.
In another word, Justice has meanings for a specific case. A victim could be a criminal in different cases.

However, when a society accepts the idea that bribery is necessary for justice. You shouldn't blame 自如's aunt too much.



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