1. Even his Michigan/Florida words are not figurative,


送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-7-24, 12:46:45:

回答: 1. In US when one makes a reference to manufacturing jobs in Michigan 由 skipper3 于 2005-7-24, 11:33:40:

he is talking about the effect of Chinese's unpeg. Stating the outcome, which is favorable to someone, doesn't mean he endorse this someone's claim. He said China's unpeg would result more manufacturing jobs. This result is welcomed by the protectivists. But it doesn't mean he think this is a good way to keep the jobs (or maybe he doubts whether it's a good idea to keep the uncompetitive jobs at all). If yuan's unpeg would result a sharp fall in US dollars compared to Yen or Korean currency, it is a good news for the lovely auto-industry-only Michigan.

2. His words is more convincing to you--I am not saying it's unrefutable. Unless you can give out details to refute his words, his logic is much more integrated than yours...

3. If you earn your US dollars in US, and mail it back to China, yes you can spend it at your dispose. But if you make something, selling it to US, get back US dollars, sorry, you need to sell the proceeds to our dear Central Bank. They collect almost all the foreign currency and you need to apply when you want to buy foreign currency. Mr./Ms. Business, don't tell me you don't know this rule.

One major export of US to the rest of world is entertainment. Don't tell me China doesn't have restriction on it. Whether it would work well as in other countries is another issue. Neither side is free of blame.

4. I am not familiar with trade law. But trade barrier is not PK's cup of tea. Don't blame him for something out of your own imaginiation simply on the sight of "Michigan" (and a out-of-context read of "Michigan").



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